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How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?

已有 87 次阅读2024-7-10 21:01 分享到微信

How to fix and profit from p17f0 error code on a Nissan? Autel MaxiSys Ultra can crack the QR code. Here we take 2015 Nissan pathfinder as an example. It’s suitable for Auto repair, mobile services, locksmith, or body repair.

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-1

Why this P17F0 error code is special?

It has the common symptoms incl. warning lights, sluggish shifting, transmission overheating and reduced acceleration.


Operation guide:

Detect the vehicle info

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-2

Auto scan the car system

Go to transmission control module

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-3

Select Special functions>> Write ip chara-replacement TCM>> Input manually or scan QR code

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-4

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-5

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-6

Follow the on-screen prompts to operate.

Vehicle: stop

Engine: stop

Selector lever: r position

Accelerator pedal: depressed

The execution was successful. Continue to perform the steps below.

Turn off the key switch and wait for a minimum of 10 seconds

Ignition is on

Engine off

Gear in P


Where is the code?

This is called a transmission range switch which is also know as a neutral safety switch is typically located on the exterior of the transmission housing. Now the QR code is a digital ID and when you scan it, it will give you all the specs the part number the manufacturing date and all the calibration settings. The QR code picture of the IP characteristic data is located next to the engine and affixed on the gear switch.

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-7

How to get QR code?

Use Autel Ultra to scan the QR code directly, and you will get the code data.

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-8

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-9

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-10

Copy and paste the code data to the corresponding textbox

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-11

After inputting, the data writing is complete.

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-12

Now we can clear the codes.

Finally, go to trouble codes to check if the p17f0 error code is cleared by MaxiSys Ultra successfully.

How to Fix Autel MaxiSys Ultra Fixed 2015 Nissan Pathfinder P17F0 Error Code?_图1-13







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