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How to Add Audi A4L Key with VVDI MLB Tool and VVDI2?

已有 142 次阅读2024-7-8 20:46 分享到微信

In the previous post, we introduced how to add Audi A4L keys by Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool and Key Tool Plus Pad. Today we will use Xhorse VVDI2 Programmer to work with MLB-Tool to perform the same function (200 remote points are required for key data calculation)


Step 1: Connect device and key

Connect VVDI MLB Tool and computer via USB cable

Place the original key in the device identification area for identification

Open the original car key, and connect the key PCB and MLB-Tool via the welding harness as default

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 1 vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 2


Step 2: Collect key data

Run VVDI MLB Tool software

Click “Collect Key Data”

Select “No OEM key”

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 3

This calculation will deduct 200 remote points.

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 4

It will take about 3-4 minutes. The server takes approximately 10 seconds to calculate.

Save the calculation results after the calculation is complete.

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 5


Step 3: Make dealer key


Step 4: Learn key

Turn on the ignition switch

Connect VVDI2 key programmer and the vehicle via OBD cable, and connect VVDI2 to computer via USB cable

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 6

Place the remote in the induction area

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 7

Run VVDI2 software and select Audi software

Select Key Learn>> MLB Immobilizer system>> Read vehicle information

The key count is 2.

Click “Key Learning”

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 8

Load the calculation data saved in step2

vvdi mlb tool and vvdi2 add audi a4l key 9

Learn two keys one by one

All keys learned successfully.

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Alright! That’s the whole process to add Audi new keys by Xhorse MLB Tool and VVDI2 Programmer.

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