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Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Install Lithium Battery Guide

已有 319 次阅读2024-5-29 20:52 分享到微信

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 New Version is equipped with M5 Clamp (replace M1 & M2 Clamp) and an optional lithium-ion battery inside. How to install the battery by yourself? Check the detailed guide below. Even if you buy the old version without the battery and later your needs change, you also can install the battery yourself.

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Step 1: Remove the bottom shell

Take out Xhorse M5 Clamp

Use the tools in the XP005 New Version package to loosen and remove all screws on the key cutting machine

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Remove the bottom shell

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Then you can see the battery location

Step 2: Install lithium-ion battery

Unplug the original component, and connect with the new lithium-ion battery properly

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Step 3: Restore the bottom shell

Put the bottom shell back, and use the tools to install the screws on the Dolphin XP005

Install the M5 Clamp, then Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Key Cutting Machine is ready to use.

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For more operation guide, download Xhorse Dolphin XP005 User Manual


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