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Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Max Error Code 5000 Solution When Calculting ID48 (96-bit)

已有 503 次阅读2024-4-16 21:04 分享到微信

Customer problem:

When I did ID48 (96-bit) online calculation on my key tool max, an error code 5000 popped up, and reminded me to bind the account of the current device. How to solve it?

xhorse tool online calculation error code 5000 1

Eobdtool.co.uk engineer offers the solution below.

The reason is that there is a difference between the account bound to the device and the login account.

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You need to login out the current account, and log in to the account bound to your VVDI Key Tool Max.

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After that, tap [Device Information] on the main menu to check if the current bind account is the same as the login account. If yes, calculate ID48 (96 bit) online again.

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Steps to calculate ID48 (96 bit) online with Xhorse Key Tool Max:

Select Transponder Clone>> Clone>> ID48 (96 bit) Online Calculation

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Place the original key into the coil of KeyTool Max to recognize

Click “Start clone” to collect 8 sets of data

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Put the original remote into the coil for verification

Start calculation, and verify the original key

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Take out the original key, and put in a VVDI Super Chip to write the data into it

Calculate data successfully.



The above method applies to VVDI Mini Key Tool, Key Tool Max Pro and VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad.

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Tech support:

Email: sales@eobdtool.co.uk

Skype: eobdtool.co.uk

Whatsapp: +86-15972933706

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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