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How to Add BMW CAS2 Semi Smart Key with Autel IM608 II and Godiag CAS2 CAS3 Test

已有 431 次阅读2024-1-11 21:18 分享到微信


Is it possible to add BMW CAS2 Semi Smart Key with Autel IM608/IM608 II and Godiag CAS2 CAS3 Test Platform?

Here is the clue.

Autel MaxiIM IM608 II cannot read data by connecting CAS1/CAS2/CAS3/CAS3+/ CAS3++ via OBD directly.

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The device will be unable to communicate with the CAS module when you use the IMMO function. No matter automatic selection or system selection.

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But you can connect XP400/XP400 Pro key programmer and CAS module via APA106/APA109 cable to make key, and then use Godiag BMW CAS1 CAS2 Test Platform (for CAS1/CAS2 mechanical keys) or Godiag BMW CAS2 CAS3 Test Platform (for CAS2/CAS3 series semi smart keys) to test the key and CAS module synchronization.


APA106 is for XP400/XP401, and APA109 is for Autel XP400 Pro/XP401 Pro. Do not mix!


Operation guide:

1.Connect IM608II, MaxiFlash JVCI, XP400/XP400 Pro, Godiag CAS2/CAS3 Test Platform correctly

2.Enter “Write key via dump” option

Select Area>> Europe>> BMW>> CAS2>> MC9S12DC256C

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Follow the operation guide to connect device

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Remove the component from the vehicle, check the circuit board of the current component and identify the corresponding circuit board, and connect XP400/XP400 Pro and CAS module according to the wiring diagram

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3.After connection, go to “Programmer” option

Select Chip (EEPROM/MCU/…)>> Chip Reading/Writing>> Immobilizer>> BMW>> CAS2>2K79X>RW>> EEPOM

The connection diagram also can be found here.

Select “Read” to read EEPROM data, and then save the file after reading

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Then select FLASH to read flash data and save the file

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4.Go to “Write key via dump” option and select the corresponding CAS2 module type the same as step 2

Tap “Load data” to select the EEPROM data just saved

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Disconnect APA106 or APA109 cable

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Put a blank key into the coil of XP400/XP400 Pro programmer

Select an unused key position (i.e key 6) to and tap “Make key”

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Reading key info

Confirm add a key to key 6

Creating data…writing back key

Save the newly generated file

Generate key successfully

The key 6 is used now.

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Disconnect all cables on the CAS2 module

Connect Godiag CAS2 CAS3 Semi Smart Key Test Platform and CAS2 module

Put the key generated into the coil of Godiag Test Platform

Press the START button

The IMMO and INDUC indicators light up, that means the key has been written into CAS system successfully.

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Use VVDI Key Tool Plus to read the new key info, displays the same result.

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If the key is unsynchronized with the CAS module, write back the newly generated BIN file into the corresponding chip to complete the entire “Write key via dump” process.







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