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How to Add BMW CAS2 Mechanical Key with Xhorse Key Tool Plus and Godiag Test Pla

已有 383 次阅读2024-1-10 01:48 分享到微信

Use GODIAG BMW CAS1/CAS2 Mech-Key Test Platform to work with Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad to add new mechanical key to CAS2 module perfectly.



Connect VVDI Key Tool Plus and Godiag CAS1 CAS2 Test Platform via OBD2 to DB25 Cable

Connect the green and black connectors of Godiag Test Platform to CAS2 module

Connect the 12V power supply to test platform

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Put the blank key into the Godiag CAS2 Test Platform coil, press the Start button, and the IMMO indicator doesn’t respond, which means the key cannot work.

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2.Program new key

Menu path:

IMMO programming>> EUROPE>> BMW>> Select from type>> CAS2 IMMO System>> Key function>> Start programming>> Generate keys via OBD

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Main steps:

  • Step 1: Read key information
  • Step 2: Prepare dealer with programmer
  • Step 3: Add key

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Step 1: Read key information

Click “YES” to choose add keys method

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Read key information successfully, and then save the file

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Step 2: Prepare dealer with programmer

Put the new key into the detection coil of Key Tool Plus

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Confirm it’s not a smart key

Make key successfully.

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Step 3: Add key

The dealer key should be taken away from ignition switch. There is no key in ignition, press OK to continue.

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Write data successfully

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Read key info. again, the new key info has already been written to CAS2 module.

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Finally, put the key programmed into the Godiag Test Platform to test, the IMMO indicator lights up.

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Alright! The BMW CAS2 mechanical new key adding is successful with Xhorse Key Tool Plus and Godiag BMW CAS1 CAS2 Test Platform.

Video Guide:



Read also:

Xhorse VVDI2 and Godiag CAS Test Platform Program BMW Key


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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