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Lonsdor K518 Pro User Guide

已有 510 次阅读2023-12-17 21:04 分享到微信

How to register Lonsdor K518 Pro? How to perform the function you desire?

Here eobdtool.co.uk shares the detailed guide for the customer who needs it.

lonsdor k518 pro register and user guide 1

How to register K518 Pro?

Boot K518 Pro tablet, go to Settings>> WiFi settings to connect with an available Wifi well

Enter the registration & activation process

Enter your username, password, mobile number, or E-mail to get the verification code, then enter the code and submit the registration

Register the new account successfully, and then set the device’s power-on password

Submit the info, and apply for binding the account to the K518 Pro key programmer

Verified by the server

After the registration is successful, initialize the menu, etc

Reboot and enter the device system to perform the function supported.


How to use the function of K518PRO?

Understand what exactly the functions on the menu can do and select the function you need to operate.

1.K518 PRO Menu Function Display

lonsdor k518 pro register and user guide 2

Immo & RemoteProgram mechanical key/smart key/remote and other functions; l                      Support a vast majority of vehicle models on the market, regularly add new models
Odometer adjustmentMileage diagnosis and correction for some models
Generate remote/smart keySupport smart key generation for some models, remote generation for most vehicle models, and garage door remote generation.
AdapterRead and write EEPROM chip/CPU main control chip, read EEPROM Pin code, etc.
Special functionsInclude functions: identify and copy key chip, generate key chip, detect remote frequency, simulate chip, decode chip, detect IMMO coil, key settings, access control card, etc.
Push FunctionsPush the designated function program to user, which will be automatically disabled when expired. Contact us to acquire functions not opened or not activated yet.
OBD IlluminationOBD cable connector's light can be switched on/off.
Aftersales feedbackUsers can feedback problems encountered to us.
Aftersales feedback message boardOn the message board, user can see our reply to all the questions after giving feedback, and inquiry further if any doubt.
  1. K518 PRO Special Functions Instruction

lonsdor k518 pro register and user guide 3

Generate key chipSupport 4D, 46, 48, 7935, 8A and more chips to generate specific car key chips
Identify/Copy chipIdentify key chip info and status of almost all cars on the market
RemoteDetect frequency of remote key
Simulate chipMainly LKE functions, include: simulate 4D/46/8A chip, bind LKE and obtain LKE info, etc
Decode chipSupport 46 and 4D chip decoding
IMMOcoilDetect if immo coil has signal, and identify key type in AKL situation as well
Key settingsSet Lonsdor 8A and 4D smart key type
Unlock keyUnlock Toyota 8A smart key

3.K518PRO System Settings Interface Instruction

lonsdor k518 pro register and user guide 4

Wifi settingsSet WIFI connection.
EthernetDisplay Ethernet card status, network connection status, MAC/IP address, etc.
Bluetooth settingsSet Bluetooth connection status.
Brightness and soundSet screen brightness and auto-off screen time.
Start recordClick to start recording, or close demo video.
Device infoView device ID, PSN, hardware/kernel version and other info.
Screen testScreen touch diagnosis
Firmware upgradeInclude APK update, kernel upgrade, etc
Reset deviceReset the device, situations like program error, system crash, communication failure, can be returned to normal state.
File manager:View and manage files.
Network testTest network when it is unstable.

4.Lonsdor K518Pro Function Operation Interface Instruction

lonsdor k518 pro register and user guide 5

FunctionIllustrate each function, and the necessary tips for certain functions.
OperationGive concrete guide for each step, pics and notices attached if necessary.
AttentionEmphasize tips and notices for functions, as well as user possible overlook during operation which may cause program failure.
ReferenceProvide the basic information like chip type, frequency, key embryo no., PIN code requirement, car photo, OBD position and other related info.
QR codeScan QR code to view HELP instructions while programming key.
DemoDemo record and user record process.
FeedbackFeedback function problems in time.
VersionDetect the latest version of current interface function.


There are a lot of posts of Lonsdor K518 Pro Full Version Key Programmer on our official blog. Input “k518 pro” in the search box to check more info.

lonsdor k518 pro register and user guide 6

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