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ALIENTECH Kess V3 Software and Protocol License Introduction

已有 638 次阅读2023-12-14 20:45 分享到微信

The original Alientech KESS V3 comes with hardware only, without any software. You need to purchase software and protocol license of Master version or Slave version according to your desire.

how to choose kess v3 software protocol license 1

Kess V3 Master Version OBD/Bench-Boot Protocols Activation:

  • OBD Protocols activation: choose item No.XNR-SS451-MA001 to XNR-SS451-MA004
  • Bench-Boot Protocols Activation: choose item No.XNR-SS451-MA005 to XNR-SS451-MA008

Kess V3 Slave Version OBD/Bench-Boot Protocols Activation:

  • OBD Protocols activation: choose item No. XNR-SS451-SA001 to XNR-SS451-SA004
  • Bench-Boot Protocols Activation: choose item No. XNR-SS451-SA005 to XNR-SS451-SA008

Kess3 ECU Programmer also supports 6 and 12 months software subscription in Master and Slave version. (Not include the above OBD/Bench-Boot protocols mentioned)

Here is all Kess V3 software and protocol license.

ItemItem No.Kess No.Function
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA001KESS3MA001KESS3 Master -Car -LCV OBD Protocols Activation
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA002KESS3MA002KESS3 Master -Bike-ATV &UTV OBD Protocols Activation
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA003KESS3MA003KESS3 Master Agriculture -Truck &Buses OBD Protocol Activation
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA004KESS3MA004KESS3 Master -Marine &PWC OBD Protocols Activation
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA005KESS3MA005KESS3 Master -Car -LCV Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA006KESS3MA006KESS3 Master -Bike-ATV &UTV Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA007KESS3MA007KESS3 Master-Agriculture-Truck &Buses Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
Master ActivationXNR-SS451-MA008KESS3MA008KESS3 Master -Marine &PWC Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA001KESS3SA001KESS3 Slave -Car -LCV OBD Protocols Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA002KESS3SA002KESS3 Slave -Bike -ATV &UTV OBD Protocols Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA003KESS3SA003KESS3 Slave-Agriculture-Truck &Buses OBD Protocol Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA004KESS3SA004KES83 Slave -Marine &FWC OBD Protocols Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA005KESS3SA005KE3S3 Slave -Car-LCv Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA006KESS3SA006KESS3 Slave -Bike -ATV &UTV Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA007KESS3SA007KESS3 Slave -Agriculture -Truck &Buses Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
Slave ActivationXNR-SS451-SA008KESS3SA008KESS3 Slave -Marine &PWC Bench-Boot Protocols Activation
SubscriptionXNR-SS451-M5001KESS3M5001KES33 Master-12 Months Subscription
SubscriptionXNR-SS451-M5002KESS3M5002KESS3 Master -6 Months Subscription
SubscriptionXNR-SS451-SS00012KESS3SS0001KESS3 Slave-12 Months Subscription
SubscriptionXNR-SS451-SS0006KESS3SS0001KESS3 slave -6 Months Subscription



  • Which version should you need?

MASTER Version: The configuration that allows you to edit software calibrations in a completely autonomous way. The read files can be interpreted by your choice of remapping software.

SLAVE Version: If you are not confident yet or sufficiently autonomous in editing software calibrations, thanks to this mode you can work with a network of trainers who will support you file requirements.

Kess3 Slave version can be updated to Master version, need to pay for extra cost.

  • Kess V3 hardware warranty: support 1 Year

The device does not accept refunds, returns or exchanges!

If you have any hardware quality problems during the warranty, please contact Alientech official to process.

Visit https://databank.alientech.to/ticket/default.aspx

Register an account first, and select KESS3 to consult customer service

how to choose kess v3 software protocol license 2

  • Once you buy the KESS V3 protocol license, you can update the corresponding protocol for free for lifetime.
  • Once the software and protocols is sold, it is non-refundable.
  • The 6 months and 12 months subscription are different from the above OBD/Bench/Boot protocols listed. Buy software subscription depends on your actual need.


Which ECU and TCU can be supported with ALIENTECH KESS3 ECU programmer?

Check the Support List.

Read also:

Original Alientech Kess V3 VS Kess V2 VS Ktag


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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