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How to Solve Launch X431 Scanner VW Scirocco Steering Angle Sensor Problem?

已有 493 次阅读2023-12-13 23:53 分享到微信

Use Launch X431 scanner to troubleshoot VW Scirocco Steering Angle Sensor problem and clear DTC successfully.


VW Scirocco Problem:

Trouble code can’t clear, sensor is working

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 1

Can communicate but not working well

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 2

Start to diagnose with Launch scan tool:

The tool can be X431 V/V+, X431 Pro5, X431 PAD VII, X431 IMMO Plus/Elite, X431 Pro Elite, X431 CRP919E BT/CRP919X BT, X431 PRO3S+, etc.

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 3

1.Check the data: read ECU memory

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 4

2.Read data stream>> Read by list

Check 007-1, steering angle-sensor (G85), 007-2, Steering angle-speed, 007-3, Calibration-status (G85), and 007-4, Initialization-status (G85)

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 5

Found sensor is working fine

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 6

3.Adaptation>> Read by list

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 7 launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 8

Select steering angle sensor

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 9

Input matched value i.e.0

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 10

The input value and test value show the same value

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 11

Save the data, change adaptation successfully

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 12

4.Read DTC again, now there is no DTC.

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 13

5.Check the Can signal

Problem was solved with Launch X431 tablet, all system back to normal

launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 14 launch x431 scanner solved vw scirocco sas no signal 15

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