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Free Download Ford IDS V130 and Mazda IDS V131 Software for VXDIAG and VNCI MF J

已有 529 次阅读2023-12-6 20:48 分享到微信

Free download the newest Ford IDS V130 and Mazda IDS V131 diagnostic software for VXDIAG VCX NANO Ford/Mazda USB or WiFi, VCX SE or VCX Plus Ford/Mazda, and VNCI MF J2534 Ford/Mazda.

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Operating system:

  • For VXDIAG scanner:

Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 (32bit/64bit)

Windows 11 needs luck. Windows Home edition is not supported.

  • For VNCI MF J2534

Windows 10


Free download link:

1.For VXDIAG Ford/Mazda:

Ford IDS V130+ Mazda IDS V131+ IDS Patch

Password: qq8s

Password: a7gu

Password: k55y

2.For VNCI MF J2534:

Ford IDS V130+ Mazda IDS V131 + Patch


How to install Ford & Mazda IDS for VXDIAG scanner?

Ford IDS Installation:

  1. Install Ford IDS-1**
  2. Wait for the installation of Ford IDS – 1**, and restart the computer
  3. Install the Ford original VCI software_
  4. Install VX manager and IDS driver on VX manager “Diagnostic” Menu
  5. Wait for VX manager and IDS driver installation to complete
  6. Connect VCX device and install idspatch
  7. Use idspatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.


Mazda IDS Installation:

  1. Install mazdaids-1**
  2. Wait for mazdaids – 1** installation to complete and restart the computer
  3. Install VX manager and IDS driver on VX manager “Diagnostic” Menu
  4. Wait for VX manager and IDS driver installation to complete
  5. Connect VCX device and install idspatch
  6. Use idspatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.


How to install Ford & Mazda IDS for VNCI MF J2534 Diagnostic Tool?

1.Install Java operating environment (Java Setup)

2.Install VCI_Software.exe (it’s IDS driver software)

3.Install IDS_1**_full.exe

4.Restart the computer

5.Install IDSFord LoaderDriver/IDSMazdaLoaderDriverSetup

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After installation, run IDS software, enter dealer type, code and country for the first time use.

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Kindly notice:

If it appears the following errors, solve them using the corresponding method below.

1.Open VCI device failed

Solution: connect VNCI J2534 device to the computer via USB cable again and reinstall the device driver.

ford ids v130 mazda ids v131 download and install 5

2.VCI not plugged into car, or car battery voltage under 8 volt

Solution: connect VNCI J2534 to the OBD port power supply

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UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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