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2023 Newest foxFlash OTB Expansion Adapter for foxFlash

已有 646 次阅读2023-11-21 20:54 分享到微信

foxFlash OTB 1.0 Expansion Adapter is specially designed for foxFlash ECU Programmer extended application engine and transmission computers and ACM and DCM computer modules.


OTB expander package:

  • 1PC OTB 1.0 expander
  • 1SET OTB 1.0 conversion cable
  • 1PC Paper Box

what is foxflash otb 1.0 expansion adapter 1 what is foxflash otb 1.0 expansion adapter 2


Adapter only, Foxflash hardware is not included.

For Foxflash ECU Chip Tuning Tool ONLY! Don't need to connect with bench box.

Don’t use it with PCMTuner ECU Programmer! Otherwise, the device will be damaged! (Illegal use can not be after-sales)


OTB= OBD mode via bench pinout (OBD on bench)

what is foxflash otb 1.0 expansion adapter 3 what is foxflash otb 1.0 expansion adapter 4


What can foxFlash OTB 1.0 Adapter do?

  • Dual-channel high-speed CAN
  • Three-way BOOT
  • Dual VCC power supply
  • GPT encryption and decryption function
  • Adaptive resistance
  • Adaptive CNF signal adjustment


Why does Foxflash team product this OTB 1.0 Expansion Adapter?

1.Ensure that foxFlash can be expanded to the OTB mode of BENCH PLUS in any OBD working mode

2.Achieve high-speed reading and writing

3.Ensure communication security and prevent the possibility of ECU brick due to voltage instability.

4.OTB reading and writing in OBD offline mode

5.ECM, TCM, ACM, DCM direct desktop mode reading and writing

6.Improve the reading and writing speed of some OBD drivers


Which car models can work with foxFlash OTB Adapter?

Visit https://www.dfb-technology.com/driver-list.html

Search for OTB to view the models and models that support OTB.

If the query mode cannot be displayed when opened, please clear the browser cache and reopen the website.

what is foxflash otb 1.0 expansion adapter 5


The foxflash OTB 1.0 Expander will be in stock after 2 weeks. If you are interested in it, please contact our customer service to pre-order it.

  • Email: sales@eOBDTool.co.uk
  • WhatsApp: +86 159 7293 3706
  • Skype: Eobdtool.co.uk
  • Business Time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 6:00pm CST (UTC/ GMT+08:00)

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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