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How to Read Ford/JLR SID208 ECU with GODIAG ECU GPT Boot AD and SM2 Pro?

已有 1002 次阅读2023-11-1 20:43 分享到微信

How to read Ford/JLR SID208 ECU easily?

It’s good to use GODIAG ECU GPT Boot Adapter, SM2 Pro J2534 device, Godiag GT100+ OBDII Breakout Box, and PCMTuner Dongle with pcmflash software together.



The main function of Godiag GT100+ here is to check the communication.

Step 1: Read Password (via OBD on bench)


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When simulating reading the car password, you must press the switch on Godiag ECU adapter. Otherwise, it cannot be read.

2.Read and save password

Run pcmflash software

Select Interface: J2534: Scanmatik-SM2 USB, ECU: [07] JLR: Defender 2012.2.2L TD4 (SID208)

Firstly, click “Identification” to identify the ECU

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Then click “Read” to read password

It shows the current voltage value, and asks you to turn off all electrical load and turn ignition on.

Click “OK” to continue.

Read password successfully, turn ignition switch off

Save the password data

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Step 2: Read and write ECU


Use a screwdriver to dismantle the ECU

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Connect ECU with Godiag Adapter according to the previous wiring diagram

Then solder the chip to the PCB board according to the wiring diagram

Directly connect the red wire to CNF1 on the PCB board

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Connection is completed.

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2.Read EEPROM & Flash data

Run pcmflash software

Select Interface: J2534: Scanmatik-SM2 USB, ECU: [53] Infineon: TC1797 EEPROM (64 KB)

Identify the ECU with automatic power control (L-Line)

Must manually pop up the switch button on Godiag ECU GPT Boot AD ECU Connector

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Select Continental Ford SID208 and password saved in step 1 to read EEPROM

Save the eeprom data after reading

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Then continue to read flash data

Select [53] Infineon: TC1797 MICRO (4096 KB)

Firstly, identify the ECU

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Then read flash data with Continental Ford SID208 and password saved in step 1

Read and save flash data successfully.

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