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How to Add Mercedes Benz W204 New Key with Launch X431 IMMO Elite?

已有 847 次阅读2023-10-9 20:46 分享到微信

Launch X431 IMMO Elite is able to add new keys and do all keys lost anti-theft key matching on Mercedes Benz W204 by calculating the password on the platform.



This function requires a network connection. Keep the network connected all the time.

Connect X-431 IMMO Elite tablet, DBSCar VII, MCU-V3 board, X-431 Xprog3 Programmer, and Benz W204 EIS correctly.

Operate strictly according to the prompt. Do not disconnect in the process.

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 1 x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 2

Main steps:

  • For Mercedes-Benz W204 all keys lost

Step 1: Read Anti-Theft password

(Quick) Calculate Password By Losing All Keys

Step 2: Match Anti-Theft key

1.Read key data

2.Generate BE key file

3.Write key file


  • For Mercedes-Benz W204 new key adding

Step 1: Read Anti-Theft password

Calculate Password By Adding Key

Step 2: Match Anti-Theft key

1.Generate BE key file

2.Write key file

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 3 x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 4


In detail…

1.X431 IMMO Elite program Mercedes Benz W204 all keys lost

Step 1: Read Anti-Theft Password 

IMMO>> European>> MERCEDES- BENZ>> MERCEDES- BENZ V10.15 (newest version)>> Anti-Theft Password Reading>> (Quick) Calculate Password By Losing All Keys>> Operation On The Platform>> Wiring Diagram>> W204

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 5

The function can only be used with X431 MCU3 Adapter. If it’s fitted with XPROG3-MCU3-V1.0, connect K1 and K2 with wire on the back of MCU3.

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 6

Then select W204

It’s recommended that the communication connnector be connected in wired mode to speed up password calculation.

Confirm the EIS has disconnected with the ELV

Insert Benz IR Key Simulator into the EIS. If it is already inserted, pull it out and then insert it again.

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 7

Collecting password calculation data…

It takes about 5-10 minutes, keep patient and wait until the process is completed.

Calculate key password successfully

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 8

Back up the module data containing the key password

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 9

Step 2: Match Anti-theft Key 

Select Anti-theft Key Matching, and then perform the following functions in sequence.

1.Read Key Data

Insert the blank key into the hole of the Launch X-prog3 Programmer IR key

Read the key data successfully

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 10 x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 11

2.Generate BE Key File

Choose the module data file just saved, and input the 16-digit password of the key, select one key unused (i.e. key 8) to generate

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Generate key file successfully

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 15

3.Write Key File

Insert the blank BE key into the hole of programmer IR key

Choose the BE key file just saved to write

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 16

Write the key file successfully

Finally, insert the BE key into the EIS to check if the key can start the vehicle and if the function of the remote control is normal or not.

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 17


2.X-431 IMMO Elite add new key to Mercedes Benz W204

Step 1: Read Anti-Theft Password

IMMO>> European>> MERCEDES- BENZ>> MERCEDES- BENZ V10.15 (newest version)>> Anti-Theft Password Reading>> Calculate Password By Adding Key>> Operation On The Platform>> Wiring Diagram>> W204

Connect device correctly

Then follow the on-screen prompts to operate step by step.

Insert the start key into the EIS and remove it from the EIS for 3 times. Then, insert it into the EIS again.

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 18

Remove the start key from the EIS, and insert it into the infrared keyhole of the Launch X-prog3 programmer

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 19

Repeat the same steps above…

Turn the start key to ON position, and observe if the instrument panel is illuminated at the same time. If it is unable to turn to ON position or the instrument panel is not illuminated, try repeatedly till it is successful.

Collocating password… wait 5-10 minutes…

Calculate the password successfully, and back up the module data.

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 20 x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 21

Step 2: Match Anti-theft Key 

Select Anti-theft Key Matching>> Generate BE Key File

Perform the same procedure as Benz W204 all keys lost

Generate key file successfully

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 22

Then write key file with the same steps as Benz W204 all keys lost.

Write the key file successfully

x431 immo elite benz w204 akl add new key 23

Test whether the key can work or not

The newly added key may have the Phenomenon that the remote control function is normal but the car cannot be driven. Disable the newly added key bit, enable it again, check whether the direction lock is normal, and try again.

Launch X-431 IMMO Plus also can perform the same function as X431 IMMO Elite Key Programmer.

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