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How to Identify FEM Keys with Autel IM508S/Lonsdor K518 + Godiag FEM/BDC Test Pl

已有 522 次阅读2023-9-13 20:51 分享到微信

Godiag BMW FEM / BDC Programming Test Platform is able to work with Autel IM508/IM508S, Lonsdor K518ISE/K518S key programmer etc to program all keys lost, add new key, and replace FEM / BDC ECU module on bench easily and fast.


1.Lonsdor K518ISE/K518S + Godiag FEM/BDC Test Platform Identify FEM Keys


Connect Londsdor K518, Godiag FEM Test Platform and FEM/BDC module correctly, and supply power to Godiag Test Platform.

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Select IMMO & Remote>> BMW>> Select from type>> FEM/BDC>> Read key data

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Recognize the key info successfully

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Select one blank key ID (i.e.key 03) to read

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Read data successfully

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2.Autel IM508/IM508S+ Godiag FEM/BDC Test Platform Identify FEM Keys


Connect IM508, Godiag BMW FEM Test Platform, FEM/BDC module correctly, and supply power to Godiag FEM Test Platform.

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Select IMMO>> accept the disclaimer>> BMW>> System selection>> Immobilizer>> FEM/BDC Immobilizer>> Vehicle information

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Read the vehicle info successfully

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In addition, Autel MaxiIM IM508 and Lonsdor K518 key programmer can generate BMW CAS4/CAS4+ keys with Godiag CAS4/CAS4+ Test Platform as well.


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