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How to Clone Fiat BSI FCA DELPHI 70F3632/70F3633 on Bench with OBDSTAR DC706?

已有 1125 次阅读2023-9-12 20:58 分享到微信

Is it possible to clone Fiat BSI FCA DELPHI 70F3632/70F3633 by OBDSTAR DC706 on Bench?



OBDSTAR DC706 is replacing the IOTerminal, because it has many more functions such as ECM / TCM / BODY ECU cloning, and updates are continuous.

In addition, it can be used without using a PC, with a Tablet and everything is done. While it only costs a third of the Full version of IOTerminal ($5000).


Let’s see how to use it to clone Fiat FCA BSI Delphi 70F3632/70F3633.

DC706 ECU Tool can read and write flash via OBD and bench. But bench is safer.


Fiat BSI Delphi 70F3632/70F3633 (OBD/Bench) Pinout

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It can be checked from the tablet.

Path: ECU Flasher>> All>> Body/Other>>Fiat BSI Delphi 70F3632/70F3633 (OBD/Bench)

Connect DC706 tablet with BSI according to the wiring diagram correctly

And keep voltage to 12V+

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First, connect ECU

After the ECU connection is successful, start to perform the corresponding read and write operations.

Read flash (70F3632) or flash (70F3633)

Save the data after reading successfully

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Then select the corresponding flash data file just saved to write into new BSI

Write flash succeed

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Alright! Fiat BSI FCA DELPHI 70F3632/70F3633 was cloned by OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Tool successfully.

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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