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How to Transfer Yanhua ACDP-1 License to ACDP-2?

已有 543 次阅读2023-9-7 20:55 分享到微信

If you have a Yanhua Mini ACDP-2 Basic, and wan to transfer/use your ACDP-1 license to ACDP-2, check the solutions for your option now. The transfer will be realized next week.

  • Plan A- License Transfers
  • Plan B- Shared License

how to transfer yanhua acdp 1 license to acdp 2

*Both Plan need to buy ACDP-2 Basic Module first.


Plan A- License Transfers:

Transfer all License from ACDP-1 to ACDP-2 and delete ACDP-1 (ACDP-1 cannot be used any more).

Cost $69


Plan B- Shared License:

Share all ACDP-1 License with ACDP-2

After license sharing, both ACDP-1 and ACDP-2 can use the shared License at the same time.

(Notice: If you buy a new Module after Sharing license, this new module license only can be used on one device)

Cost will be 35% of the total amount of shared module Official price.

You can send your ACDP-1 SN to eobdtool.co.uk to check license price.


Please kindly notice:

Currently, most ACDP 1 Modules are compatible with ACDP 2 except the following modules mentioned.

Yanhua tech is modifying the module 15 App, so it will be soon compatible with ACDP2. Don’t need to purchase a new module 15.

They have a little difference between 1st generation and 2nd generation.

You can buy the corresponding ACDP-2 Module.

Or just make a little modification on the adapter of old modules. No need to buy new modules.

Cut off the protruding plastic and part on old interface board (shown as figures below):

how to transfer yanhua acdp1 license to acdp2 2

  • Yanhua ACDP Module 8:

The prices of 1st and 2nd generation are different.

Yanhua ACDP-1 Module 8 costs 34 euros, and ACDP-2 Module 8 costs 94 euros.

If you purchased the 1st generation module, and want to update to the 2nd, it will prompt no license. You need to pay an extra 60 euros to buy the license A51F (Auth ID) BMW FRM Footwell Module.


What is Yanhua Mini ACDP 2? How to Use?


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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