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Lonsdor K518 Program All Keys Lost for 2020 Mazda 3 No Pincode

已有 583 次阅读2023-8-30 20:54 分享到微信

Lonsdor K518ISE/K518S can program all keys lost with free PIN Code via OBD to Mazda new models after 2019 (such as Mazda 3, Mazda 6, CX-5, CX-9, CX30…). We’ll take 2020 Mazda 3 as a demonstration to do all keys lost.


Connect K518 key programmer and vehicle via the OBD cable

You can strap the device to the steering wheel to operate easily.

lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 1

Select IMMO & Remote>> MAZDA>> China>> Asia>> 2020- >> All smart key lost

lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 2

Connect to an available WiFi and make sure the connection is good.

Pay attention to the warning

All smart keys will be deleted. Need at least 2 keys to be programmed for the car.

For all keys lost, this car will be in alarm situation, wait about 30s for the alarm to end. For the simulation, no need to wait.

All smart keys must be kept 1m far away from the car.

Press and hold the START button for 10 sec, and then press the START button once the button indicator turns from green to yellow.

lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 3 lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 4

Wait 7 mins to grant security access, the buzzer will beep after 7 times.

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Confirm the count of the current smart keys (2).

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Deleting all keys successfully

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Turn off the ignition

Turn ignition on

Start to program keys. Follow the prompts below to operate

  • When START button’s indicator light turns green (in 5s), hold the key’s logo end near the button.
  • Turn ignition off

lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 8 lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 9 lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 10

Then complete the operation steps before starting the car engine with the key programmed:

For AT vehicles:

  1. Slam on the brake
  2. In turn to put each programmed key onto car start button to start engine for 3 secs, then turn ignition OFF.

lonsdor k518 program 2020 mazda 3 akl via obd 11

Finally, use the smart keys to start the car and test the remote.


Video guide:

Lonsdor K518 Program 2020 Mazda 3 All Key Lost Free PIN code via OBD








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