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Launch X431 IMMO Plus/Elite Fixed Porsche Battery Low Power Failure

已有 525 次阅读2023-7-6 20:50 分享到微信

Launch X431 IMMO Plus/X431 IMMO Elite with “IMMO” function fixed Porsche battery low power failure, it reset after replacing the battery to clear the low battery fault information of the original battery and protect the new battery.


X431 IMMO Plus/Elite supports Porsche anti-theft functions as follows:

*1.Porsche 2011-2017 key matching;

*2.Porsche front end and back end computer cloning;

*3.Porsche Siemens engine computer cloning;

*4.Porsche battery data repair.

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Check the details to repair Porsche battery data.

Devices and accessories used:

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Menu path:

Select IMMO>> PORSCHE>> PORSCHEV10.10>> BMS Repair>> CAYENNE>> 2018-2022

Use the main cable to connect car OBD2 16pin interface, and X-PROG3, with LAUNCH X431 Tablet to do key matching, data reading and writing, etc.

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Click “View the wiring diagram”

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Connect the ECU and G3 programmer according to the wiring diagram.

As the amount of data is larger, to improve communication stability, use the USB cable to connect the cable and the Bluetooth connector.

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The dashboard prompts “Storage battery power is lower and needs repair”.

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Remove the dashboard, take out the battery, and remove the case on the battery. There is a computer inside needs to removed and repaired.

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After the harness is connected, click “Data recovery”, and wait until the process is completed.

Writing is successful.

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After the repair, reinstall the battery into the dashboard, and install it back to the car. Now there is no fault code on the dashboard.

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Launch X431 IMMO Elite/X431 IMMO Plus key programmer successfully solved the Porsche battery lower power problem.


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