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Launch X-Prog3 V10.80 Update: Adds VW/AUDI MQB Platform IMMO & Key Programmi

已有 865 次阅读2023-6-14 20:57 分享到微信

Launch X-Prog3 Immobilizer & Key Programmer is updated to V10.80. It adds VW Audi MQB Platform immo & key programming functions which can be performed with X431 diagnostic tools such as X431 V, X431 V+, X431 ProS, X431 PAD V, X431 PAD VII, X431 Pro5, and X-431 PRO GT.


Launch X Prog3 V10.80 Update Info:

1.Added the key learning and instrument replacement functions for Johnson MQB instruments (main control chips include A2C81589600, A2C81589700, D70F3526, and D70F3529).

2.Added the key learning, “All Keys Lost”, and instrument replacement functions for Johnson anti-theft instruments as of 2014.

3.Added the instrument cloning function for VDO35XXMQB instruments (main control chips include A2C81589600, A2C81589700, D70F3526 and D70F3529).

4.Added the functions “All Keys Lost” and instrument replacement for the fourth-generation 35XX instruments.

launch x431 x prog3 v10.80 update for vw audi mqb 1


How to use X-PROG3 to read and write data?

Method 1: Use main cable to connect car OBD2 16pin interface, and X-PROG3, with LAUNCH X431 Tablet to do key matching, data reading and writing, etc.

launch x431 x prog3 v10.80 update for vw audi mqb 2

Method 2: Place the anti-theft EEPROM or MCU chip in the chip burning socket, and then insert the chip burning socket into the slot of the anti-theft matching programmer locker and lock it to realize the data interaction between the IC anti-theft chip and the diagnostic host.

launch x431 x prog3 v10.80 update for vw audi mqb 3

Method 3: After removing the ECU from the car, connect the anti-theft ECU pin to the DIY slot of the anti-theft programmer through the cable to realize the data interaction between the anti-theft ECU and the diagnostic host.

launch x431 x prog3 v10.80 update for vw audi mqb 4


How to use Launch X431 GIII X-prog3 to do VW 4th all keys lost?

Check Launch X431 IMMO Elite Program New Keys to VW 4th All Keys Lost.


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