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Launch X431 IMMO Elite vs. IMMO Plus vs. x431 V+ vs. PAD VII

已有 687 次阅读2023-6-8 20:49 分享到微信

X431 X-PROG3 GIII immobilizer programmer can be used with Launch X431 IMMO Elite, X431 IMMO Plus, V+, or Pad VII to enable reading/writing EEPROM, on-board MCU, and BMW CAS4+/ FEM chips, programming Mercedes-Benz infrared keys, generating special keys, and reading BMW engine ISN code, etc. What is the difference between these Launch diagnostic scanners?

launch x431 xprog 3


Support multi-language and 2 years free update.

Support same functions: Read immobilizer password, Ignition key learning, Benz BMW VAG Porsche key programming, Basic diagnostic function, Active Test (Di-directional), and Common Service reset functions



Price: X431 IMMO Elite is the cheapest, and X431 PAD VII with X-Prog3 is the most expensive.


IMMO Plus vs. IMMO Elite:

IMMO Elite has basic diagnostics but IMMO Plus has full diagnostics.


IMMO tablets vs. X431 V+ vs. X431 PAD 7:

  • IMMO tablets support Nissan B18 Immo replacement without password, Peugeot all keys lost, Citroen all keys lost/ module replacement, Independent IMMO function for each car brand, and newer vehicle immo programming (Volvo pre-2022, Toyota pre-2022), but V+ and PAD VII do not.


  • Only Pad VII supports guided function and online programming.


For details, check the comparison table below.

ItemLaunch X431 IMMO PlusLaunch X431 IMMO EliteLaunch X431 V+ and X-prog3Launch X431 PAD VII and X-prog3
Imagex431 immo elite vs immo plus vs v vs pad vii 1x431 immo elite vs immo plus vs v vs pad vii 2x431 immo elite vs immo plus vs v vs pad vii 3x431 immo elite vs immo plus vs v vs pad vii 4
Price€ 1,009€ 980€ 1,294€ 2,532
Language24 Language Supports: English, Italian, German, Japanese, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Arabic, Danish, Korean, Persian , Romanian, Serbian, Finnish, Swedish, Czech, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional24 Language Supports: English, Italian, German, Japanese, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Dutch, Greek, Hungarian, Arabic, Danish, Korean, Persian , Romanian, Serbian, Finnish, Swedish, Czech, Chinese Simplified, Chinese TraditionalMulti-Language: English, Italian, German, Japanese, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Korean, Finnish, Swedish, etcMulti-Language Supported: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Swedish, Chinese
Update2 Years free update2 Years free update2 Years free update2 Years free update
Read immobilizer passwordYesYesYesYes
Ignition key learningYesYesYesYes
Benz BMW VAG Porsche key programmingYesYesYesYes
ECU Gearbox TCU Cloning (IMMO Prog)YesYesNoYes
Anti-theft password car coverageMoreMoreLessLess
Nissan B18 Immo replacement without passwordYesYesNoNo
Toyota all keys lost (pre-2022)YesYesNoNo
Volvo all keys lost (-2022)YesYesNoNo
Peugeot all keys lostYesYesNoNo
Citroen all keys lost/ module replacementYesYesNoNo
Independent IMMO function for each car brandsYesYesNoNo
Basic diagnostic functionYesYesYesYes
Active Test (Di-directional)YesYesYesYes
Special function under each car brandsYesNo, no VAG guided function, Renault special function under Diagnostic.YesYes
Common Service reset functionsYesYesYesYes
Guided functionNoNoNoYes
Online programmingNoNoNoYes


X-prog3 supports following ECU/TCU cloning function:

x431 immo elite vs immo plus vs v vs pad vii 6

Launch X431 tablet requires a USB connection to clone/ replace ECU or gearbox TCU with X-prog3. As X431 V+ only can connect via Bluetooth, it cannot clone ECU/TCU with X431 G III programmer.

x431 immo elite vs immo plus vs v vs pad vii 5

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