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Buy Foxflash ECU Programmer Get 5 Free Gifts (Till June 30th)

已有 391 次阅读2023-6-6 20:45 分享到微信

Foxflash ECU Chip Tuning Tool promotion at eobdtool.co.uk in June:

Buy foxflash with discount, and get 5 free gifts:

  • Latest price: €675, buy Now: €643 (5% off)
  • Get 5 free gifts

1)Toyota/Lexus BDM Jtag Solder Free Adapter (Limited)

2)4pcs Fetrotech Seikotool ECU Cover Extractor

3)T-Shirt with Foxflash Logo

4)Peaked cap

5)2 pairs of gloves

buy foxflash get 5 free gifts


Why to choose Foxflash ECU programmer?

Foxflash is a complete tool for ECU reading and programming via OBD/Bench/Boot/BDM/Full system. It supports VR read online work, auto checksum, has Help desk and tuner account, ECU and TCU connect wires with pdf, also supports MEDC17 free clone service no need patch the files after reading out. Foxflash Manager App can be installed up to 6 laptops. Moreover, it also supports WiFi hotspot, very convenient for outdoor work. No VPN needed.


Compared with KT200, foxflash has better quality BOM and PCB, and provides far better servers with VR supply, more stale and reliable.

Reference: What’s the Difference between FoxFlash and KT200 ECU Programmer?


Customer review:

Because the FoxFlash is working very good for me. I decided to make this review of facts and tested procedures.


It works only with the device connected to USB port, like the others. You won’t run the software without it.

You need some electronic skills to work with it since there is very minimalistic GUI of the software and also you need to make some repairs to the device. It is not intended for use with OBD port users generally. In this case there is a risk of the car damage if you mess around this port without a basic knowledge.

In majority of cases you do not need to open ECUs like before and this is the best benefit of this device.

Got the foxflash ecu tool several months now and worked well on:

EDC16U1 bench full read and write

EDC16U34 bench full read and write

EDC16U31 vw – the crazy additive diesel (BRT) bench full read and write (OBD not possible but KESS v2 worked OK)

EDC17C64 vw bench full read and write

EDC17C46 vw bench full read and write, then tested OBD flash too, only with VR – but finally it also succeeded. Long time WR – 18 minutes

EDC15C2 Suzuki OBD (Flash only)

EASYTRONIC TCM Opel, Ford bench Flash read and write boot

EDC17C56 BMW F25 bench full RW OK *VR file OBD read impossible because file not in database. Anyways who cares about VR.

EDC17C74 Bench full read and write include checksum works OK

EDC17C79 Jeep Grand Cherokee full RW include checksum works OK

SIEMENS PCR2.1 Bench full read and write include checksum works OK

SIEMENS PPD1.2 Bench full read and write include checksum works OK

EDC17CP46 Mercedes BlueMotion Bench full read and write include checksum works OK

EDC17CP04 Audi Q7 CASA engine Bench full read and write include checksum works OK

EDC16C39 Hyundai Bench full read and write include checksum works OK, OBD read tested too OK, (special thanks to fellow member mb055 helping me out with the SW)

EDC17C57 Hyundai I30 – Bench full read and write include checksum works OK

TCM ZF 9HP Jeep, Fiat, Dodge – BDM full read and write include checksum works OK.

DELPHI MT80 (Geely, Chevrolet) full read boot / warning there is a mistake in the circuit hint. Solved, works fine now.

DENSO with NEC76F0038GD 175822-773 Toyota – FULL JTAG read and write OK.

SIEMENS SID801 – Citroen Berlingo – BENCH read and write both FL+EEP works like a charm

TCM DCT250 DC4 – Getrag, renault DSG – Bench full read and write include checksum works OK

EDC16C34 PSA – bench full read and write

EDC17C60 read and write Bench checksum by tool GOOD


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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