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How to Read and Write CAS ISN via ICP to Replace DME with Yanhua ACDP BMW?

已有 741 次阅读2023-5-30 20:45 分享到微信

Yanhua Mini ACDP BMW can use ICP mode to read and write CAS ISN to replace MSV80, MSD80, MSD81, MSD85, MSD87, and MSV90 DME on bench. It's simple and efficient to use the special interface board instead of the traditional wiring mode, no need to open the shell of DME or program the DME.


Here takes BMW MSV80 DME replacement as an example.


What is needed?

Donor DME

Original CAS3 ECU

Original car key

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 1

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 27

Mini ACDP Programming Master


How to do?

Step 1: Read the donor DME ISN that needs to be replaced

Step 2: Read the original CAS data

Step 3: Modify CAS data via working key

Step 4: Write the modified CAS data


How long does it take?

About 3 minutes


Video guide:



Step1: Read the donor DME ISN that needs to be replaced

*It’s not the original DME.

Connect the MSV80 interface board in Yanhua ACDP Module 27 to DME, and connect the OBP+ICP adapter

Short circuit the CAN resistor of OBP+ICP adapter to “CAN-R-JOIN” end

Connect it to the ACDP host and power on

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 1


Confirm the ACDP device is connected at the upper right

Select BMW >> DME ISN >> BENCH Mode Read/Write DME ISN >> SIEMENS/Continental DME >> Exx >> N51 (MSV80) >> Read ISN

Confirm the connection between ACDP and DME is normal

Check the chip information read out

Long press the ISN to copy it for using later

Reading ISN data finished

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 2 yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 3


Step 2: Read the original CAS data

Install CAS3 Interface Board:

Find the location of the interface board positioning hole

Install BMW_CAS3 interface board

Connect OBP+ICP adapter to the BDM01 adapter

Connect BMW_CAS3 interface board

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 4

Back to BMW function menu

Select CAS1~4>> CAS3/CAS3+>> ICP Mode>> Read/Write CAS ISN (Replace DME)>> MC9S12XDP512 (Mask 0L15Y/0M23S) >> Read CAS EEPROM

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 5

Confirm ACDP is connected to the device normally

Detect Pin successfully

Read chip and save the EEPROM data

Read data succeeded.

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 6


Step 3: Modify CAS data via working key

Unplug the OBP+ICP

Connect the BAV KEY adapter to the ACDP host

Insert the working key into the BAV KEY adapter

Select Modify ISN >> Replace 32-bit ISN DME>> Select the EERPOM data file just saved

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 7

Confirm the connection between Yanhua ACDP and BAV adapter is normal, and the working key is inserted

Take a screenshot to save the key info read out

Select Modify >> Click ISN code and clear it >> Paste or enter the donor DME ISN read out in step 1 >> Modify

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 8

Modify data finish

Save the modified EEPROM data

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 9

Step 4: Write the modified CAS data

Unplug the BAV-KEY adapter, and connect the OBP+ICP

Go back to the main menu, select “Write CAS EEPROM”

Confirm the connection among ACDP, BDM adapter, and CAS ECU are normal

Pin detection result is good

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 10

Select EEPROM data>> select the modified EEPROM file

Decoding the memory

Write data succeeded

yanhua acdp bmw replace dme on bench 11


Alright! The BMW MSV80 DME is replaced by Mini ACDP BMW with Module 1 and Module 27 successfully.


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