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How to Activate Launch FCA SGW?

已有 545 次阅读2023-5-29 23:48 分享到微信

How to set FCA Activation and Model Selection for Launch X431 Scan Tool? Follow this post to get your own FCA account.


What you will learn:

1.AutoAuth account login with Launch tool

2.AutoAuth account purchase guidance and tool model pairing for all Launch e-commerce products


Which Launch Scan Tools are applicable?

Launch X431 V, Launch X431 V+

X431 Pro5, X431 Pro3S+, X431 PROS V1.0, PROS Mini, Pro Mini

X431 IMMO Elite, X431 IMMO Plus

X431 PAD VII, X431 PAD V

X431 Throttle, X431 Torque, X431 Turbo

CRP909E, CRP909X, CRP919E, CRP919X

*X431 Pro Mini/Pros Mini supports FCA vehicles as well. Except for AutoAuth subscription, you will also need to pay for the function license ($30) on X431 “Mall” in app. X431 V/V+ and Pad series don’t need this.



i.e. Launch X431 PAD V

Connect with Internet, and make sure the network connection and login normal. Otherwise, the data may be inaccurate.

Select Local Diagnose>> CHRYSLER>> 16 PIN Connector>> Manual Select>> Chrysler>> 2022 (VIN 10th)>> Pacifica/Voyager

how to activate launch fca sgw 1 how to activate launch fca sgw 2

Read the on-screen instruction, and click “Yes” to login with FCA account and unlock the SGW

how to activate launch fca sgw 3

SGW (Security Gateway) has been unlocked successfully

how to activate launch fca sgw 4

If click “No”, it will show “failed to unlock SGW (Security Gateway)” error.

Diagnostic functions that Launch devices provide without AUTOAUTH account, and it only supports “Version information” “Read DTC” and “Read Data Stream” functions.

how to activate launch fca sgw 5

New registration of AUTOAUTH account by making use of Launch scan tool:

Click New registration>> Register>> Choose AutoAuth Standard Plus>> Add tool

how to activate launch fca sgw 6 how to activate launch fca sgw 7 how to activate launch fca sgw 8 how to activate launch fca sgw 9

For more details, check How to Unlock FCA SGW with Launch X431 Scan Tool?

Contents including:

  • Which area is applicable?
  • Which vehicles are equipped with FCA SGW?
  • How to access the AutoAuth on Launch Diagnostic Tool?
  • How to register AutoAuth account with Launch scan tool?
  • Requirements to unlock the SGW vehicles with Launch X431 Tool
  • Performs diagnostics and bi-directional without using a bypass cable


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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