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Yanhua Mini ACDP with Module 30 Correct VW/AUDI DQ500 (0BH Continental) Gearbox

已有 876 次阅读2023-5-28 21:02 分享到微信

Yanhua Mini ACDP can support Volkswagen/Audi DQ500 (0BH Continental) gearbox mileage correction now. ACDP Module 30 is required.

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Yanhua ACDP Module 30: VW/Audi 0BH Continental gearbox mileage correction

  • Supported Gearbox Models:

Volkswagen/Audi DQ500 (0BH Continental) gearbox mileage correction

  • Supported Vehicle Models:

Audi: Q3 (before 2016)

Volkswagen: Multivan, Tiguan

  • Module features:

1: OBD mode can quickly identify the vehicle transmission model, no need to remove the computer.

2: Using special interface board to plug in car to correct the mileage, no need to remove the TCM.

  • Authorization ID: A607
  • Hardware configuration

It’s same as Yanhua ACDP Module 25.

Item NO. Adapters/Parts PicturesQuantity Adapters/Parts Functions
1SH725xx-0DE Interface boardyanhua acdp vw audi dq500 0bh continental gearbox mileage correct 21PCApplicable to connect VW/Audi DQ500 0BH gearbox
2DB15-LAN adapteryanhua acdp vw audi dq500 0bh continental gearbox mileage correct 31PC

Applicable to connect ACDP host and TCU cable



3TCU cableyanhua acdp vw audi dq500 0bh continental gearbox mileage correct 41PCApplicable to connect DB15-LAN adapter and interface board



The above 3 accessories are available in modules 19, 25, and 30.

Customers can buy any one module, and pay for authorization for other modules which you need.

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Yanhua ACDP ModuleYanhua Module 19 (License A000)Yanhua Module 25 (License A606)Yanhua Module 30 (License A607)
FunctionSH725XX Gearbox CloneVW/Audi 0DE Gearbox Mileage CorrectionVW/Audi 0BH Continental Gearbox Mileage Correction
Vehicle coverage1.All ZF 8HP (BMW
Aston Martin
… 2.VW/AudiDQ380/DQ381 0DE;

3.Mercedes-Benz 9GT(VGS-NAG3);

4.BMW 7-dual-clutch(GETAG 7DCT) ; BMW 7-dual-clutch(TEMIC DKG)

Volkswagen/Audi DQ380 (0DE), DQ381 (0DE), DQ500 (0DE)

Audi: A3, Q2, Q3, etc.

Volkswagen: Magotan, Passat (B8), Lamando, Golf GTI, Tiguan L, Teramont, new Skoda, etc.

Volkswagen/Audi DQ500 (0BH Continental);  Audi: Q3(before 2016)
Volkswagen: Multivan, Tiguan


How to correct mileage on Volkswagen/Audi DQ500 (0BH Continental) gearbox?

Connect ACDP with the gearbox properly, and don't cut the power nor pull out the device during the operation.


Step 1. Please prepare ACDP, DB15-LAN adapter, interface board, and gearbox

Step 2. Connect the interface board correctly to the gearbox interface

Step 3. Short the CAN resistor on the DB15-LAN adapter to the "CAN-R"

Step 4. Connect ACDP, DB15-LAN adapter, interface board, and gearbox

yanhua acdp vw audi dq500 0bh continental gearbox mileage correct

ACDP Menu path:

VW>> Gearbox mileage correction>> VW or Audi>> DQ500 (0BH CONTINENTAL)>> Identify>> Mileage Correction (auto mode)>> Time correction (auto mode)

For example, 100 kilometers took an hour, and you can change the mileage to 50 kilometers, and change the time to half an hour.

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Yanhua ACDP Module 30 for VW/Audi 0BH Continental Gearbox Mileage Correction with License:



VW Audi DQ500 0BH Gearbox Mileage Correction License for Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 30, Module 19 and Module 25:



UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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