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Ford TMS470/ NEC70F3357 Radio Code Read and Change with OBDSTAR MT200

已有 982 次阅读2023-5-11 23:46 分享到微信

Here shares two new test reports of OBDSTAR MT200 Radio Decoding Tool.


Ford radio tested:


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Function tested:

Read EEPROM (24C16) - success

Read radio code- success

Change radio code- success

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Connection method:

On bench


Case 1: OBDSTAR MT200 read and change radio code on Ford SONY TMS470

Determine the ford radio model by identifying the appearance and label of the module.

Open OBDSTAR APP, tap Dash/Airbag/ECU/Radio icon, select Radio Pinout (MT200)>> FORD>> Visteon Sony (TMS470)

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Follow the on-screen pinout to connect OBDSTAR MT200 Handheld Radio Decoding Tool and Sony TMS470 Radio with jumper, for CANH & CANL, connect the 120 ohm resistor, and also connect to a 12V power supply

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After connection, select FUNCTION>> OTHER FUNCTION>> Radio Code V30.01>> FORD>> Visteon Sony >> TMS470 >> BENCH

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1.Read EEPROM (24C16)

Read EEPROM data is 1111 and save it with a file name

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For saving data, the OBDSTAR Mini USB Upgrade Cable can be used to connect to computer for transmission. Other EEPROM data can also be written to device for use.

2.Code Read

Read the code is 1555

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Input the related pincode value on Ford radio, and press key “*” for confirmation

The radio starts and can be adjusted normally. The pincode verification is successful.

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3.Code Change

Input a new code 1111 and cofirm the value

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Power off for 10s and then power on, read the code again, it’s correct.

Input the related pincode on Ford radio

The radio also can be adjusted normally. Pincode change is successful.

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Case 2: OBDSTAR MT200 read and change radio code on SONY NEC70F3357

Use the same steps as SONY TMS470 to read eeprom, read and change code, all are OK.

Connect MT200 and Ford radio with the pinout

Select FUNCTION>> OTHER FUNCTION>> Radio Code V30.01>> FORD>> Visteon Sony >> NEC70F3357 >> BENCH

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Read EEPROM- success

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Read code- success

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Change code - success

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OBDSTAR MT200 works perfectly on Ford 6000 CD Radio code read and change as well. Click here to review.

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