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CGDI CG70 vs. CG100 Prog III vs. CG100X

已有 930 次阅读2023-5-9 20:46 分享到微信

CGDI CG100X is a new generation smart car programmer. It’s the upgrade version of CG100 Prog III. It also supports airbag reset function. We’ve compared them and CG70 Airbag Reset Tool. Let’s learn more details from the comparison table.


CGDI CG100 vs. CG100X vs. CG70:

 CG100 CG100XCGDI CG70
Price€ 447€ 581€ 474
 cgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 1cgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 2cgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 3
Hardwarecgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 4cgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 5cgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 6
The connection software does not require a 12V power supply, The use process is neededThe connection software requires a 12V power supply, and the use process is neededThe connection software requires a 12V power supply, and the use process is needed
PackingWhite Carton BoxPlastic suitcaseWhite Carton Box or Plastic suitcase
Annual fee1 year free update.  Annual fee is needed from the 2nd year1 year free update.1 year free update.
Annual fee is needed from the 2nd yearAnnual fee is needed from the 2nd year
Features1. Mileage correction1. Mileage adjustmentMainly work for Airbag repairing, No Welding No Disassembly
2. airbag reset/repair2. airbag repair
3. Engine and computer read and write3. Body failure repair
4.BCM module read and write4. BCM module read and write
5. Reading and writing of various non-encrypted chips5. Reading and writing of various non-encrypted chips
 6. BMW Land Rover writes key
HighlightSupport multiple instrument and airbag repair BMW FRM repair; Mercedes -Benz Porsche Volvo Battery RepairHardware upgrade, read and write data faster and more stable.

No need to disassemble the airbags to repair the airbags without welding.

1. Similar to the CPT device, the price is more competitive;

2. The operation is easy, no need to disassemble the welding line;

3. models are constantly upgrading

The upgrade frequency is faster.
1. 8 -foot removal of adapter (CG100 Many customers ask)
2. CAN line communication (similar to CG70)
3. BMW Land Rover Key match (CG100 cancel KEY adapter)
4. Can support more chips, keep pace with the times, and have strong new MCUs. The adapter is upgraded.
5. BCM can be enhanced, for battery repair, and various types of common problems (steering angle), the future growth will be stronger.
6. All of the CPT wiring will be added (add 3-5K airbag model at a time), mainly for foreign models
7. Free update VAG MQB D70F3526, D70F3529, D70F3532 read and write
Support Models

Support 1503 chip models, 4767 instruments, 4570 airbags, ECU, BCM;

Contact sales to get the support list

A total of 1538 chips, 4600 instrument mileage, more than 4,500 ACUs, ECUs, BCM; Contact sales to get the support listSupport 3806 airbag models, continuously increasing (final 5000+); Contact sales to get the support list
Software Interfacecgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 7cgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 8 cgdi cg70 vs cg100 prog iii vs cg100x 9
Software versionCG100 Prog III V6.6.0.0CG100X V1.1.2.0
CG70 Airbag Reset Tool V1.0.2.0


In conclusion:

Similarities among CG100, CG100X and CG70:

  • The annual fee and language among all three devices are the same.
  • All support airbag repair function.


CG100X Programmer better than CGDI CG100 as follows:

  • Has an 8 -foot removal of adapter;
  • Supports Body failure repair and BMW Land Rover writes key;
  • Support CAN line communication;
  • Can support more chips incl. MQB NEC35xx chips. Keep pace with the times, and have strong new MCUs.
  • The adapter is upgraded.


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