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已有 737 次阅读2023-4-24 21:00 分享到微信

KINGBOLEN Ediag is a new full system OBD2 diagnostic tool in 2023. It comes with all software free for 1 year, and has the same function as THINKCAR Thinkdiag, supporting all systems diagnosis, ECU coding, Bi-directional test, and 15 kinds of reset functions for 115 car brands. With this scanner, you can quickly check the engine faults and locate the car other fault codes and clear them after repairing. For more info, check the FAQs below.

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Q: What is the difference between Ediag and Thinkdiag?

A: The production process and function are exactly the same, but the brand and packaging are different. Ediag is an exclusive customized product at a more affordable price.

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Q: Does KINGBOLEN Ediag support all special function for all car models?

A: The special function are NOT for all car models, if you are confused, please send your car brand, model and release year to our customer service to check it for you.


Q: Can KINGBOLEN Ediag reset gearbox?

A: For some models, the special function of "Gearbox Reset" can be found in the "Diagnostics", which is equivalent to having 16 special functions as below.

1.Oil Reset Service

2.Steering Angle Calibration

3.Electronic Parking Brake Reset

4.Battery Register & Battery Maintenance

5.ABS Bleeding

6.Electronic Throttle Position Reset & Learn

7.Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Regeneration

8.Tire Pressure Monitor System Reset

9.Gear Learning

10.Anti-theft ( IMMO ) Matching

11.Injector matching MaEET

12.Air Suspension Reset

13.Gearbox /Transimission Reset

14.Sunroof RESET

15.AFS Reset (EGR)

16.EGR Reset


Q: What language is available with EDIAG?

A: 12 languages are supported: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Greece, Russian, and Traditional Chinese.


Q: Does EDIAG require an internet connection?

A: EDIAG device requires Bluetooth connection with your smartphone. If you need to update your vehicle diagnostic software, your smartphone needs an internet connection.


Q: What are the requirements on Android and IOS version?

A: It is recommended to use EDIAG software on Android 5.0 and above, IOS 9.0 and above.


Q: Is KINGBOLEN EDIAG compatible with diagzone APP?

A: No. It can only be used with Ediag APP.


Q: How to download and activate the KINGBOLEN EDIAG car diagnostic tool for all cars?


1.Download the Ediag application from Google Play (Android) or APP Store (iOS)

*Windows is not supported.

2.Log in or register

3.Aactivate the Ediag device

4.Plug Ediag into your car and turn on the vehicle ignition while turn the engine off

5.Connect Ediag with your mobile phone via Bluetooth

6.Download the software, and start the diagnosis.

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Q: What is a Manufacturer Software subscription?

A: Each manufacturer software subscription gives you access to ALL diagnostic functions, including read/clear codes, live data streaming, actuation tests, and ALL maintenance functions of the manufacturer you picked.


Q: Does EDIAG need charging?

A: EDIAG is powered directly by the vehicle's OBD II port.


Q: Can KINGBOLEN EDIAG OBD Scanner be used on more than one car?

A: Yes, it can be used with different vehicles as long as you download the corresponding diagnostic software.


Q: Can my EDIAG device connect to multiple smartphones?

A: Yes, simply use the same account to log into a new smartphone. You can restore the previously purchased software by downloading it on the new phone.


Q: Can I share my test reports with others?

A: Yes, you can share your reports on Facebook, Twitter, or in the EDIAG app's community.


Q: What format are the reports saved or exported in?

A: The reports can be exported as PDF so you can easily share or print it.

kingbolen ediag obd2 scanner faq 4


Q: Can this turn on secondary air pressure check valve on a 2013 gmc terrain 2.4

A: Yes. The scanner action test menu displays support for this function: Secondary Air Injection Solenoid Valve.


Q: Can this unit add smart key to Nissan Rogue 2018, new one, original key available?

A: Yes, it works.


Q: Can this item diagnose, reprogram, and reset CVT in 2014 nissan maxima?

A: It supports the 2014 Nissan maxima diagnostic and reset CVT functions, but does not support reprogramming.


Q: Does EDIAG support online programming?

A: No.


Q: Can EDIAG OBD2 Scanner work on 24V truck?

A: No, it cannot currently.


KINGBOLEN EDIAG Full System OBD2 Diagnostic Tool:



UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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