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How to Bind OBDSTAR APP and OBDSTAR Tablets?

已有 589 次阅读2023-4-17 21:06 分享到微信

The maintenance technicians' portable database- "OBDSTAR"APP, blockbuster launch!

It contains Locksmith IMMO & Maintenance, Car Electronics Maintenance and Repair, Motorcycle maintenance and repair, Marine maintenance and repair, and Customer service. It can be downloaded on Android smartphones since April 14th, 2023, and iOS version will be launched at the end of June.

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What’s new in OBDSTAR APP?

OBDSTAR APP is a portable database, specially make for maintenance technicians. It can take the eaiser, more efficient and professional service to the customers. The APP combines technical support, data query, video view, after-sales consultation, problem feedback and other multi-functional in one, supporting passenger cars, motorcycle, marine and other comprehensive maintenance data query library, powerful, excellent experience, is a practical service platform for maintenance technicians to solve their problems.


1.Personal page style

Register as a member with one click, add your obdstar device to unlock more advance functions.

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2.Comprehensive maintenance database

Incl. Car /Motorcycle/Marine maintenance and repair

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  • Pincode
  • Manual Remote


  • DLC
  • Manual service lamp reset
  • Interactive wiring diagram
  • Manual remote


  • DLC
  • Flash code
  • Manual remote
  • Parameters
  • Interactive wiring diagram
  • Manual service lamp reset
  • Tech bulletin

6.Customer service

Help center

Contact CS (customer service)


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Detailed function display:

Interactive wiring diagram

-Contains various information at a glance pinpoint the point of failure

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DLC and Parameters

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Tech bulletin and Flash code

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Manual remote

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Radio code

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Note: the radio check password function is only available with OBDSTAR X300 DP, X300 DP Plus and DC706;


Where/how to download OBDSTAR APP?

*Only supports Android system at present, iOS will be available soon.

Way 1: Scan the QR code to download APP directly (check in the first image)

Way 2: visit https://support.obdstar.com/download/

After downloading, register and login with your phone number and user name.


How to bind OBDSTAR APP to OBDSTAR device?



Device binding applies to OBDSTAR motorcycle/ maritime devices only (MD80/MS80/MD75/MS70/D800). X300 DP and X300 DP Plus are not supported so far.


Operation guide:

Supply power to OBDSTAR device and turn on

Swipe down from the top of the screen

Tap wifi to connect with available wifi

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Then tap settings on the main menu

Select VCI Info, and you can see the device info incl. SN, firmware version, software version and device QR code

Open OBDSTAR APP on Android smartphone

Tap “Me” at the bottom right

Tap “MY DEVICE” at the top right

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Tap “Device Binding” and put the phone to scan the QR code on OBDSTAR tablet

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Bind successfully, the device details will appear on the APP screen

You can see the product name and serial number on APP is the same as device.

And you can get the member benefits- parameters, interactive wiring and tech bulletin.

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Confirm the info, and you can see the related binding device info.

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