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VAG EDC17C64 Read and Write: PCMtuner or Foxflash?

已有 1206 次阅读2023-4-11 21:05 分享到微信

Topic: Which ECU programmer can read and write VW Bosch EDC17C64?


Here is the suggestion from eobdtool.co.uk engineer.

The latest hot ECU programmers like PCMTuner and Foxflash both support.


1.By PCMTuner Magic Car Tool

PCMTuner ECU Programmer can perform virtual reading, writing, and checksum correction for VAG EDC17C64 on bench and via OBD without issue.

Some customers are worried that there is a risk to writing with PCMTuner.

Actually, it’s safe to use PCMTuner. The software is the same as the original pcmflash, they just cloned the dongle and nothing changed in the software. With an original scanmatik inside, it’s safe like the original.

If you read and write no problem, but the control unit has fault codes and cannot start the car. The possible cause is the bad checksum, which must be done in winols, especially if using Dpf/EGR off software.


How to read and write VW EDC17C64 ECU by PCMTuner?

i.e. VW Golf 2.0 TDI EDC17C64

vw edc17c64 read and write by pcmtuner and foxflash 1

Run pcmflash software

Select the corresponding protocol and connect EDC17 to pcmtuner on bench mode following the wiring diagram

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Select Module 71 ECU protocol

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Read data

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Write data

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Correct checksums automatically

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Verification… erase area… transfer data…

All are successful.

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2.By Foxflash ECU Chip Tuning Tool

Foxflash can read and write via OBD to EDC17C64 complete with checksum correction.

i.e. AUDI A3 8V 1.6/2.0 16V TDI 105/150.184CV BOSCH EDC17C64

foxFlash software can be download on official website: https://www.dfb-technology.com

Open foxflash manager and keep running

Open foxflash software to select driver, car maker, and ECU model

Connect foxflash ecu programmer and ecu correctly according to the wiring diagram

Write file/recovery and correct checksum- success

vw edc17c64 read and write by pcmtuner and foxflash 11 vw edc17c64 read and write by pcmtuner and foxflash 12 vw edc17c64 read and write by pcmtuner and foxflash 13 vw edc17c64 read and write by pcmtuner and foxflash 14 vw edc17c64 read and write by pcmtuner and foxflash 15


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