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How to Use Lonsdor LT20 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key with K518ISE?

已有 1212 次阅读2023-3-30 21:09 分享到微信

Lonsdor LT20 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key divides into three kinds of keys: Lonsdor LT20-01, LT20-04, and LT20-08. They support different series boards. All can be used to work with Lonsdor K518 Key Programmer and Lonsdor KH100P to convert smart key chip type and generate remote, etc.

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Lonsdor LT20-01 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key

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Src: https://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/lonsdor-lt20-01-8a-4d-toyota-lexus-smart-key.html

LT20-01 series boards:

BoardP1Frequency (MHz)ModulationPackButtons
3370   98312.00/314.35/315.12/433.92 ASKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

A433   98433.92 ASKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

F433   98433.92 FSKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

529098/78312.00/314.35/315.12/433.92 FSKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

0140   94312.00/314.35/315.12/433.92 ASKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

Shell fitting:

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Lonsdor LT20-04 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key

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Src: https://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/lonsdor-lt20-04-8a-4d-toyota-lexus-smart-key.html

LT20-04 series boards:




0020P4 [00 00 88 88]



  FSKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

7930P1 [ 98 ]312.00/ 314.35/315.12/433.92  FSKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

2110P4 [00 00 A8 A8]



  FSKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

0010P4 [00 00 A8 A8]433.58/434.42/312.09/314.35  FSKBubble pack

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

Shell fitting:

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Lonsdor LT20-08 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key

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Src: https://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/lonsdor-lt20-08-8a-4d-toyota-lexus-smart-key.html

LT20-08 series boards:

BoardP4Frequency (MHz)ModulationBattery HolderButtons
0410P4 [91 00 AA AA]      433.58/434.42  FSKFT02

Lock, unlock,

trunk, panic

Shell fitting:

lonsdor lt20 8a4d smart key with k518ise guide 7


What’s the function of Lonsdor LT20 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key?

They can perform the following functions with Lonsdor K518/KH100P.

1.Get Version InfoK

2.Read Button Type

3.Convert Button Functions

4.Unlock key

5.Upgrade Smart Key

6.Modify Frequency

7.Smart Key Copy (K518 supports, KH100+ doesn’t support)

8.Convert Smart Key Type

9.Modify Remote Count Data

10.Generate Emergency Key


Which Toyota/Lexus models are supported?


Camry (2015-2021)

Corolla (2015-2019)

C-HR (2019- )

RAV4 (2015-2021)

RAV4 (2008-2011)

Land Cruiser (2016-2021)

Highlander (2008-2013)

Levin (2015-2018)

Alphard (2015-2021)

IZOA (2019-2021)

Wildlander (2021- )

Prado (2008)

Alphard (2012- )

Yaris (2007- )

CROWN (2010-2014)



LS (2013-2016)

ES (2006-2012)

IS (2009-2015)

RX (2008-2015)


Tips and guide to use Lonsdor LT20 8A+4D Smart Key and K518ISE:

i.e. Lonsdor LT20-04 8A+4D Toyota & Lexus Smart Key PCB

Install a battery at the back of Lonsdor LT20 8A+4D smart key, press the button and the indicator will flash

lonsdor lt20 8a4d smart key with k518ise guide 8

Supply power to Lonsdor K518ISE tablet

Tap Push function>> Special functions>> Key settings>> LT smart key

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Then you can see the function menu supported

lonsdor lt20 8a4d smart key with k518ise guide 11

Here we show the guide to get key version info and convert smart key type.

  • Get version info

Select “Get version info” and place the smart key horizontally on the card slot of K518ISE Key Programmer

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If it appears the error “Failed to obtain key data, retry or not?”

Press “OK” and try with different positions.

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Wait a moment, and it reads out the product ID, PSN, model number, status, version and frequency.

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  • Convert Smart Key Type

This function requires internet connection. Make sure the network is connected normally on the Lonsdor K518ISE Key Programmer.

Select “Convert Smart Key Type”

Keep the Lonsdor LT20 smart key in the card slot

There are two smart key types to select: Generate 8A and Generate 4D.

Tick one type you want and tap “Confirm”

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Then select type of key (to be generated)>> select PKE frequency>> convert button type

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For other functions, just select the corresponding item, and follow the on-screen prompts to do it one by one.


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