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SUPER MB PRO M6+ vs. Super MB Pro M6

已有 620 次阅读2023-3-15 21:00 分享到微信

SUPER MB PRO M6+ is newly released at eobdtool.co.uk. It’s the updated version of Super MB Pro M6, greatly improved product functions and compatibility. What is the difference between these wireless star diagnosis tools? What’s new in M6+?


MB Pro M6+ highlights:

  • 100% compatible with the original Mercedes-Benz software;
  • The front label uses a design with trademark rights and art copyrights to improve product recognition;
  • Supports BMW Aicoder, BMW E-sys and BMW App;
  • Supports vehicles with DOIP communication protocol
  • Full configuration= MB Star full function+ Benz F+G series coding+ Other DOIP


Super MB Pro M6+ vs. MB Pro M6:

FunctionsMB Pro M6MB Pro M6+
Imagesuper mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 1 super mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 2
Price€443 €456
Function supportedXENTRY
PC RJ45×
BWM Aicoder×
Other DOIP×

In conclusion:

Super MB Pro M6+ supports more functions than M6.

  • Supports E-SYS, Aicoder for BMW F and G series coding
  • Compatible with BMW BimmerCode, Bimmerlink, MHD, Bimmergeeks, XHP Flashtool, ODIS-e, XDelete, M Flasher etc App
  • Can be used as DOIP device for VAG


MB Pro M6+ PCB display:

super mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 3 super mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 4


MB Pro M6 PCB display:

super mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 5 super mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 6


How to connect Super MB Pro M6+ and diagnostic software?

MB Pro M6+ hardware instruction:

super mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 7

1.M6+ hardware and MB diagnostic software connection

1)Connect the M6+ hardware box to the car diagnostic interface via the test line.

The red indicator light ① on the host is always on, and the system indicator ② is flashing during startup. After startup, ② is always on and beeps once, indicating the startup is finished.

2)Wired connection

Connect the USB port ⑦ of the M6+ hardware box to the USB port of the computer or tablet via a USB cable, and a new network connection will appear on the network management interface of the computer or tablet (WIN10 driver-free), and the IP address of the network connection property will be changed to 169.254.255.*, Subnet mask:, Preferred DNS:, click “Advanced”, add multiple IP addresses as 172.29.127.*, After the computer or tablet is connected to the network, ④ the indicator light will be on.

super mb pro m6 vs mb pro m6 8

3)Wireless connection: You cannot find the wireless network by plugging in the USB cable. Unplug the USB cable from the M6+ hardware box port, and you will find a M6+ DOIP-**** network on the computer or tablet, just connect it. ⑤ The green light of the wireless indicator is always on, the wired light is off, no setting is required, the password is 123456789.

4)After opening the BEN software lock on the computer side, the original diagnostic test software can be used normally.

5)For remote C-end operation, please consult us.


  1. M6+ hardware and BWM software connection

1)Connect the M6+ hardware box to the car diagnostic interface via the test line.

The red indicator light ① on the host is always on, and the system indicator ② is flashing during startup. After startup, it is always on and beeps once, indicating the startup is finished.

2)Wired connection:

Connect the USB port of the M6+ hardware box to the USB port of the computer or tablet via a USB cable, and a new network connection will appear on the network management interface of the computer or tablet (WIN10 driver-free), and change the network connection attribute IP address to 172.29.127.* Click “Advanced” and add a multi-IP address as 169.254.0.* After the computer or tablet is connected to the network, the indicator light ④ will be always on. Press and hold the switch button ⑥ on the side for 3 seconds and then release it. You can see that the ④ green indicator light is always on and then flashing, indicating that the test can be performed normally. It will return to the initial state after it is powered on again.

3)The wireless network can NOT be found by plugging in the USB cable. Unplug the USB cable from the M6+ hardware box port, and you will find a M6+ DOIP-**** network on the computer or tablet. You can connect without any settings, and the password is 123456789, ⑤The wireless indicator green light is always on, ④The wired indicator is off. Press and hold the ⑥ switch button on the side for 3 seconds and release it, you can see ⑤the wireless green indicator light is always on and turns to flash, indicating that the test can be performed normally. It will return to the initial state after it is powered on again.

(4) The computer-side BWM software adopts a wired or wireless connection, and the mobile phone BWM APP software adopts a wireless connection.

(5) For remote C-end operation, please consult us.


  1. For DOIP function and hardware connection of other diagnostic test software, please refer to BWM software and hardware connection method.


There are three versions of super MB PRO M6+ wireless diagnostic tools for sale.

  • SUPER MB PRO M6+ Full Version (incl. M6+ host & OBD2 16pin Cable & Lan cable& 38PIN/14PIN/4PIN cable):


  • SUPER MB PRO M6+ Diagnosis Tool Standard Package (incl. M6+ host & OBD2 16pin Cable & Lan cable):


  • SUPER MB PRO M6+ for BENZ Trucks Diagnoses Wireless Diagnosis Tool (incl. M6+ host & OBD2 16pin Cable & Lan cable& 14PIN cable):



UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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