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Launch X431 Pro 5 Common Problems and Solutions

已有 377 次阅读2023-2-26 21:02 分享到微信

Launch X431 Pro5 with Smart Box 3.0 supports J2534 programming, CANFD/DOIP/J2534 protocols, FCA AutoAuth and VAG Guided function. It’s a professional all-in-one full system car diagnostic tool for 1996-2022 99% of vehicles. Here lists some common problems and solutions for users.

launch x431 pro 5 common problems and solutions 1


Problem: How to save power?


1) Please turn off the screen while the tool keeps idle.

2) Set a shorter standby time.

3) Decrease the brightness of the screen.

4) If a WLAN connection is not required, please turn it off.

5) Disable the GPS function if the GPS service is not in use.


Problem: Communication error with vehicle ECU?


Please confirm:

1) Whether the diagnostic connector is correctly connected.

2) Whether the ignition switch is ON.

3) If all checks are normal, send vehicle year, make, model, and VIN number to us using the Feedback feature.


Problem: Failed to enter into vehicle ECU system?


Please confirm:

1) Whether the vehicle is equipped with this system.

2) Whether the VCI dongle is correctly connected.

3) Whether the ignition switch is ON.

4) If all checks are normal, send vehicle year, make, model, and VIN number to us using the Feedback feature.


Problem: How to download the X431 PRO5 App after resetting the tablet?


Method 1:

Before registration, please make sure the network is properly connected.

  • After the tablet has been successfully reset, follow the steps below to download the App:

Launch the browser and the default official website opens (If a blank page pops up, just type in www.x431.com in the input bar).

  • Tap "Login”, input the username and password, and tap "Log In”
  • Make sure that the serial number is correct, tap "APP application program” and tap the Download icon to start downloading.
  • After the download is complete, follow the on-screen instructions to install it.
  • After installation, use the existing username and password to log in and go to the update center to download the diagnostic software.


Method 2:

Download link: https://eninfo.x431.com/sv.aspx?TypeId=36&fid=t8:36:8

NOTE: After downloading and installing, please use the account above to log in, then go to update the software. Don't choose the "Activate VCI", this step is not needed!


Problem: What to do if the language of vehicle diagnostic software does not match the system language?


English is the default system language of the tool. After the system language is set to the preferred language, please go to the update center to download the vehicle diagnostic software in the corresponding language.

If the downloaded diagnostic software is still displayed in English, it indicates that the software in the current language is under development.


Problem: How to retrieve the login password?


Please follow the steps below to proceed in case you forgot the login password:

1) Tap the application icon on the home screen to launch it.

2) Tap Login on the upper right corner of the screen.

3) Tap Retrieve Password.

4) Input product S/N and follow the on-screen prompts to retrieve the password


Problem: Where to download the Smartbox J2534 PC Tool?


Please kindly check the download link of the Smartbox J2534 PC Tool: https://eninfo.x431.com/prod_view.aspx?TypeId=68&Id=505&FId=t3:68:3

launch x431 pro 5 common problems and solutions 2


Problem: Can I use this X431 Pro 5 to work on my heavy-duty trucks?


If you already have the adapters for your heavy-duty trucks, you can purchase the corresponding software on the mall of the device directly. It is recommended that you confirm with us the compatibility before purchasing. We also have software packages and adapters that can sell to you, which include most heavy-duty brands. Please contact us directly if you are interested in purchasing them.


Read also:

Launch X431 PRO 5 FAQ: Update, Online Program, Special Function, Comparison…

Launch X431 Pro5 Online Programming for Benz and BMW Activation Guide


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