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Xhorse M5 Clamp New Upgrade for Condor XC Mini Plus and Dolphin XP005

已有 237 次阅读2023-2-21 20:45 分享到微信

Previously Xhorse M5 Clamp could only be used for Condor XC Mini Plus II and Dolphin XP005L key cutting machine. After upgrade, now it is also available for Condor XC Mini Plus and Dolphin XP005.

xhorse m5 clamp for condor xc mini plus and dolphin xp005 1


What can Xhorse M5 Jaw/Clamp do?

M5 Clamp is used for Single sided, double sided, and high security keys.

M5 is a 2-in-1 clamp of M1&M2, supports 2 track external, channel track, standard single sided, 4 track external, 4 track internal, standard double sided, dimple key types. More convenient to switch M1&M2 clamps directly, no need to install or disassemble over and over.

xhorse m5 clamp for condor xc mini plus and dolphin xp005 2


How to use Xhorse M5 Clamp?

M5 clamp divides into two sides of A and B. Users can turn the clamp surface to cut according to cutting needs. There is no need to repeated install and uninstall to replace different clamps. Here are the methods of using the M5 clamp.

Step 1: Loosen the “key lock knob” counterclockwise to make the right slider of the clamp to the right limit.

Step 2: Turn the movable module clockwise, and turn the clamp from side A to side B.

Tighten the “key lock knob”, clockwise to lock the clamp.

xhorse m5 clamp for condor xc mini plus and dolphin xp005 3

xhorse m5 clamp for condor xc mini plus and dolphin xp005 4


How does Xhorse M5 clamp work with Xhorse Key Cutting Machine?

  • With Condor XC Mini Plus/Plus II:

Refer to: Clone an Audi A6 HU66 Key with Xhorse Condor XC- Mini Plus II and Key Reader

Note: the difference is Condor XC Mini II doesn’t support key blank engraving and offline operating. It needs to upgrade via “Upgrade Kit” connecting with PC, while XC Mini Plus II can update online via WiFi directly.

Refer to: Xhorse Dolphin XP005L User Manual: Comparison, Activation, Update, Calibration

Note: the difference is Dolphin XP005 needs to work with IOS or Android smartphone.


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