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Foxflash Unlock VAG SIMOS PCR2.1 via OBD/Bench- Success

已有 1239 次阅读2023-2-9 20:47 分享到微信

Foxflash ECU programmer has been confirmed can successfully unlock VAG Simos/Siemens PCR2.1without opening the ECU. Safe read/write/unlock on bench is the most proven way, OBD depends on VR being available. That’s ideal saves having to solder the resistors on the board!!


Here is some successful user feedback:

  • I have unlocked a1 by OBD (use orange obd cable)

-First, read by obd using unlock obd protocol. It will give you a VR FILE.

-Second, write file selecting complete. It will stop at 6%, reboot the writing and then, at 6% again, it asks you to remove the key 120s, then unplug the battery 60s, then plug it 60s and then press ok before turning on ignition. It will resume and will take about 20 min.

You can now write selecting tables and takes about 3, 5 min.

Everything is explained on the manual, so it's easy.

It seems a lot easier on bench.

foxflash unlock vag simos pcr2.1 via obd bench 1


  • PCR2.1 Bench Unlock

Admittedly I played around with some settings last night on my Laptop and FoxFlash ecu chip tuning tool took some playing around with today to get it started. But persistence paid out in the end.

Lesson learnt if things are working just leave them alone. LOL

Bench Unlock as stated, without opening the ecu, not Boot mode.


  • Unlocked a few PCR 2.1 without any problems… safe


  • Unlock SKODA TC1796 VAG SIMOS PCR2.1 on bench- success

Simos PCR2.1 Bench Tricore pinout

foxflash unlock vag simos pcr2.1 via obd bench 2 1

Connect foxflash and PCR2.1 ECU module according to the wiring diagram, go to select driver interface, select maker, vehicle, and driver, then r/w eeprom and auto checksum, unlock the ecu no issues

foxflash unlock vag simos pcr2.1 via obd bench 3

foxflash unlock vag simos pcr2.1 via obd bench 4

foxflash unlock vag simos pcr2.1 via obd bench 5

foxflash unlock vag simos pcr2.1 via obd bench 6

foxflash unlock vag simos pcr2.1 via obd bench 7



To use foxflash to unlock PCR 2.1 by bench, with unlock eeprom it is enough to write flash?

Step 1: read eeprom on bench.

Step 2: rewrite the eeprom read the tool apply the unlock patch

Step 3: make ID and see what it says eeprom unlocked… at this point write the flash from obd or the counter




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