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New KT200 ECU Programmer User Guide: Download+ Install+ Register+ Activate

已有 1395 次阅读2023-1-11 22:05 分享到微信

Here shares the user guide of New KT200 ECU programmer.

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Main contents:

Where to download New KT200 software?

How to install New KT200 software?

How to register New KT200 account?

How to activate New KT200?

How to install New KT200 driver?


New KT200 overview:

New KT200 ECU Programmer Master Version is mainly used to read and write ECU and TCU via OBD/BOOT/BDM/JTAG Mode for refit shop, repair shop, auto electronics repair merchant.


The difference between New KT200 and old KT200 is that the new KT200 comes with better BOM and PCB, uses better server, and supports more VR files. But it cannot work with offline USB Dongle (only works online, cannot work offline).


Besides, New KT200 runs via KTSuit Manager, not KT200 software program.

The software requires activation before use, check the detailed operation guide below.


Kindly notice:

There are two programs that need to be installed. First, install KTsuit Manager from the official website, and then install KTsuit software in the KTsuit Manager program.


Where to download New KT200 software (KTsuit Manager)?

Compatible operating systems:

Windows 7 /8/8.1 /10/11 pro/ultimate

CPU > 2.5 GHz (Intel i5, i7), RAM > 8GB


Connect New KT200 ECU programmer to the computer/laptop via the USB cable

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Visit the official website https://www.ktmtool.com

Click Download under KTsuit

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Input your available email and mobile number and click Download to download KTsuitManagerSetup.zip

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How to install New KT200 software (KTsuit Manager)?

Extract the installation package to the desktop

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Then click it to install with the prompts easily

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After the installation is completed

The software KTsuit Manager icon will appear on the desktop


How to register New KT200 account?

Click the KTsuit Manager icon to enter user registration interface

Input your available email and click Submit

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How to activate New KT200?

After registration, input the code (device SN) and click Activate to complete the software download

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Note: the SN ties on the backside of the new KT200 box. Don’t release the SN to anyone. It’s a safe code for you. Don’t let any third party or guys know that code or it’s easy to let your tool be locked.


How to install New KT200 driver?

Click Install Driver in KTsuit Manager program to complete the device driver installation process

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Note: Don’t close the KTsuit manager before your run KTsuit, always keep clicking the active button before you run the ktsuit software.


Finally, enter the key (device SN) to login the software

The New KT200 software (KTsuit) is ready to use online.

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Video guide:



UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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