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KT200 Read Renault SID310 via OBD Online and Offline

已有 386 次阅读2022-12-22 03:28 分享到微信

KT200 ECU Chip Tuning Tool can read Renault SID310 by OBD mode both online and offline now.


1.For online working (need internet):

You need to download and install the newest KT200 online software- V2022.12.10. It adds Renault Master SID310 via OBD and Audi MD1CP004 SPC 5777 drivers.

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It’s compatible on Win7, Win8/8.1, Win10 and Win11, and applies to KT200 Auto Version and Full Version.

How to download and install the online version? Click here to read more.


2.For offline working (no need internet):

The KT200 Offline Workstation (black+ white U disk) is required.

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You also need to install the newest KT200 offline software V22.11.20 with the black U disk and update the license with white USB Dongle.

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It’s only compatible with KT200 ECU Programmer Full Version. If you have one auto version, you can update it to the full version with the update service, and pay only extra $50 shipping charge for a free offline station device.

If you purchase the full configuration version from us, you can get a set of offline workstation equipment for free (device is free, and you only need to pay for $50 shipping charge).

Click here to learn more info.


3.How to read Renault SID310 by KT200 via OBD?

The operation guide of online version is the same as offline version. The difference is online version needs to connect with internet, and offline version needs KT200 offline workstation.

Connect KT200 ECU programmer, Renault SID310 ECU and computer correctly, then run the related software, select driver, ECU model to read original data.

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Video guide:

KT200 Read Renault SID310 with Offline Workstation via OBD:



UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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