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GM SPS Service Program System 100% Works on Win10 64 Bit

已有 863 次阅读2022-12-15 20:44 分享到微信

GM SPS Service Program System is for sale at eobdtool.co.uk now. This is one year original online programming software for GM SPS Subscription, Ford Mazda Service Info and Chrysler TechAuthority. No need shipping with online activation. Works well with GM MDI2, GM Tech2, VXDIAG GM, and other J2534 devices (Such as AVDI) on Win10 64 bit.

gm sps sub.ion 100 works on win10 64 bit 1


Laptop System Requirements:

In order to cater to the new generation of diagnostic programming system TLC system application, SAIC General after-sales service

The diagnostic programming computer needs a hardware configuration upgrade, which must be delivered on April 30, 2021

Upgrade the dedicated computer for diagnostic programming to the following minimum configuration requirements:

> CPU: Intel Core i5 sixth-generation (or later) chip

Fifth-generation and older processor chips, including AMD chips, do not meet the requirements

> Memory: not less than 8GB

> Hard disk: The value is greater than 500GB

> Number of USB ports: At least two

> Display: 14 inches, 1366 by 768 resolution

> WIN10 (64-bit professional edition) operating system

If your computer does not meet the above configuration requirements, please upgrade as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no

Method to meet the basic requirements of after-sales diagnosis and maintenance, follow-up cannot get effective technical support.

gm sps sub.ion 100 works on win10 64 bit 2

gm sps sub.ion 100 works on win10 64 bit 3


GM SPS Subscription Highlights:  


Techline Connect (formerly TIS2Web) is the internet-based subscription service for GM vehicle calibrations, Global Diagnostic System software, and scan tool hardware updates.


This single application covers all technical problems accurately and efficiently by integrating Service Information, programming, and scan tool diagnostics into a one-stop shop.


Programming: Tech2Win (Tech2 Software Emulator for PC)

SPS Programming Software Unlimited VIN

Diagnostics: GDS2 (Global Diagnostic System - Global Diagnostic Package)

GM Techline Connect one year one pc unlimited VIN (SPS 2, GDS US, SI)

After payment we will install certificate on your PC and you will be able to program GM USA market Cars (Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and etc) online.

This is OEM Subscription for module programming. You will be able to program replaced modules as well update the software in existing/current modules.

This is 1 year subscription you can use online programming without VIN limit.


Kindly notice:

  1. No Need Shipping! The engineer will make online programming via teamviewer within one year.
  2. Please keep using on one laptop, otherwise account will be blocked.
  3. GDS2 is offline.
  4. This license is only for 10 times use per day.


Read also:

How to install SPS Service Program System for GM Tech2?

How to use the VXDIAG GM Nano with SPS?

GM TCM & Transfer Case Programming/Coding with SPS & TIS


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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