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FoxFlash ECU TCU Chip Tuning Tool FAQ

已有 335 次阅读2022-11-20 20:54 分享到微信

FoxFlash is a powerful solution developed for professional chiptuners, calibration engineers and control unit (ECU and TCU) repair shops. It becomes more and more popular with customers. Here shares some related frequently asked questions and answers for learning more about this ECU programmer.


Q1: Does it support car and truck?

A1: Yes.


Q2: Does the tool do checksums? Online or offline?

A2: Yes, it needs server and supports online.


Q3: FOX FLASH with update or no?

A3: Yes, free update. No subscription, no annual fee.


Q4: Where to check the ECU or TCU can work with foxflash or not?

A4: Visit the foxflash official website https://www.dfb-technology.com/driver-list.html to search the car list online.

foxflash ecu tcu chip tuning tool faq 1

Or download the list below directly.

FoxFlash TCU Driver List

FoxFlash ECU Driver List



Q5: Hello. I have a question regarding the Mercedes sprinter w906 ecu delphi crd3.pb0 and w907 sprinter ecu delphi crd3.pc0. The tool support full read? Thank you!

A5: DELPHI CRD3.E / 3.E1 / 3P.B0 / 3P.C0 / 3P.D1 and normal crd3x and crd2x Bench Boot.


Q6: Will this do the new isuzu dmax transtron 4jxx?

A6: Yes, by JTAG_BOOT


Q7: I don't see anything about EDC17CP54 in the list. Does it do something with it or not? And if so, what exactly?

A7: CP54 in bench mode and boot mode


Q8: Hi, can this read BMW MSV90 by foxflash? My MSV90 is Continental and not Siemens.

foxflash ecu tcu chip tuning tool faq 2

A8: Yes, by boot, best way is type ECU type not vehicle. Siemens Continental (VDO) is full name.

foxflash ecu tcu chip tuning tool faq 3


Q9: This foxflash ecu chip tuning tool looks like KT200, what’s the difference? Which one is better?

A9: These two ECU programmers both are master version, support the same language, ECU types and operating system, also support auto checksum and wiring diagram checking, no need activation.

The difference is that foxflash only supports full version while KT200 supports auto version and full version. Foxflash works both online and offline, KT200 only can do online.

For more details, click here.


To be continued…


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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