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Two Ways to Solve KT200 Software Update Failure Problem

已有 813 次阅读2022-10-26 21:08 分享到微信

When you open KT200/KTM200/ECUTuner ECU programmer software and prompt you to update the version with the words ‘New version found, start updating’, after clicking OK, there is no response, and cannot update the new version automatically, just download and install the driver/patch by eobdtool.co.uk engineer provided in this post, and the problem will be resolved soon.

kt200 software update failure solution 1


Method 1: Free download KT200 V2022.10.01 software (new):


Size: 910.5 MB

Note: the software version is the same as before, but the factory has fixed the bug that software flash and not open problem.


Important tips to install KT200 software:

  1. DO NOT connect KT200 ECU programmer, go to run renew driver64.exe directly
  2. Connect KT200 and computer via USB cable, then run exe

Note: Don’t disconnect USB during the process

  1. Install exe, then run KT200.exe

kt200 software update failure solution 2


Method 2: Free download the latest KT200 patch and dfb2xx.ll


Size: 40.4MB


Installation steps:

Unzip the files downloaded

Load and install the Patch SP20221024 (1)

Click install, then all select YES

kt200 software update failure solution 3

kt200 software update failure solution 4

Copy dfb2xx.dll to replace the specified folder file

kt200 software update failure solution 5

Copy and paste dfb2xx.dll to C:/KT200-master/DFBTech_Driver/i386 folder

kt200 software update failure solution 6

For the 32 bit system: copy and paste dfb2xx.dll to C:/Windows/System32 folder

kt200 software update failure solution 7

For the 64 bit system: copy the dfb2xx.dll file to C:/Windows/SysWOW64 folder

kt200 software update failure solution 8

Alright, KT200 software update process is done by the two methods above, and the new version software can be used normally.


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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