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Mercedes- Benz W207 Add New Key/All Keys Lost by Xhorse/Autel/Launch

已有 515 次阅读2022-10-23 21:44 分享到微信

Which tool can add new key or do all keys lost for Mercedes- Benz W207?


Key programmers made by Xhorse/Autel/Launch brand are with good quality.

Recommend Xhorse Key Tool Plus, VVDI MB BGA Tool, Autel IM508 Pro, IM608/IM608 Pro and Launch X-prog 3.

They have been confirmed work well with Benz W207.


1.With Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad+ VVDI BE Key Pro

Purpose: add a new BE key to Benz W207 with original key via OBD on the platform


  • Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad Full Configuration

Price: €2,149 (EU/UK Ship No Tax free shipping)

  • Xhorse VVDI BE key Pro Yellow PCB

Price: €60 (5pcs with 3 Button Key Shell)

Total: €2,209


Main steps:

Step 1: Connect devices

  • Insert the original key into the EIS to turn ignition on
  • Connect VVDI Key Tool Plus to the dashboard via OBD cable


Step 2: Read lock (EIS) data

Tap Immo Programming>> Benz>> Select from system>> EIS Tools>> Start programming>> W172, 204, 207, 212 (with ELV)>> Read the lock (EIS) data>> OBD

benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 1

Read the key info successfully and then save the file

benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 2


Step 3: Program key file

Tap Select from system>> Prepare Key File>> Start programming>> Prepare Key File

Load the EIS file with password

Confirm if the SSID and password are correct

Confirm the key password

Select the type of the generated key file (V051)

Queue number 1 and calculating, both require 30 seconds, query after 5 seconds (cannot be cancelled)

Save the key file directly after the generation

benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 3

Step 4: Read/Write key via IR

Tap Select from system>> Read/Write Key>> Read/Write key via IR>> Start programming>> Write BE key

Load the key file to be written

Insert the new BE key into the infrared antenna of the Key Tool Plus

Write data success

The key is smart key (BE), go to install battery and wait 1 minute before learn key to car (the key LCD will flash during this time)

benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 4

Take out the original key, and insert the VVDI BE Key Pro programmed directly into the car to be activated.



If you cannot activate, please try the following methods:

  • Manual activation by select from system>> read write key>> read/write key via IR>> Activate
  • Read EIS data again and generate key file again
  • Try to unplug the OBD connector, insert the BE key into EIS to activate


2.With Xhorse VVDI MB BGA Tool+ W204 W207 W212 ELV Simulator

Purpose: calculate password and program new key with the EIS data for Benz W207


  • VVDI MB Tool:

Price: €779 (EU/UK Ship No Tax free shipping)

  • W204 W207 W212 ELV Simulator for MB KEY OBD2

Price: €49 (Out of stock)

Total price: €828


Main steps:

Step 1: Collect data and calculate password

Step 2: Read EIS data

Step 3: Paste the key password and save EIS data

Step 4: Read EIS via Infrared and Erase EIS

Step 5: Write EIS data by Infrared

Step 6: Read EIS data and personalize W204 ESL

Reference: VVDI MB BGA tool program MB keys with W204 W207 W212 ELV Simulator


3.With Autel IM508+ XP400 Pro

benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 5

Purpose: calculate password and program new key with the EIS data for Benz W207 with original key


Autel MaxiIM IM508 with XP400 Pro Key and Chip Programmer

Price: €1,359 (October Mega Sale)

EU/UK Ship No Tax free shipping+ 2 Years Free Update


Menu path:

Control unit>> Add key>> On bench>> W207


Main steps:

Step 1: Read EIS data successfully

Step 2: Read ignition key information

Step 3: Read blank key information

Step 4: Obtain key password

Step 5: Generate key file

Step 6: Test the new key

Reference: Program Benz W207 Key by Autel IM508 with XP400 Pro


4.With Autel IM608 Pro+ Xhorse VVDI BE Key Pro Yellow PCB

Purpose: add new key to Benz W207 with original key


  • Autel MaxiIM IM608 Pro full version (with XP400 Pro and J2534 ECU Reprogrammer)

Price: €2,249 (October Mega Sale)

EU/UK Ship No Tax free shipping+ 2 Years Free Update

  • Xhorse VVDI BE Key Pro Yellow PCB with 3 button key shell

Price: €60 (5pcs)

Total price: €2,309


Main steps:

Step 1: Read EIS data

Step 2: Read ignition key information

Step 3: Read blank key information

Step 4: Obtain key password

Step 5: Generate key file

Step 6: Write BE Key file

Step 7: Test if new key works normally

Reference: Mercedes Benz Keys Added by Autel IM608 Pro and VVDI BE Key Pro (Yellow PCB)


5.With Autel IM608+ G Box

Purpose: program Benz W207 all keys lost on bench

Device: Autel MaxiIM IM608 with XP400 and J2534 ECU Reprogrammer with Autel G-BOX2 Adapter

Price: €2,299 (Out of Stock)


Main steps:

Step 1: Calculate password

Tap IMMO>> Mercedes>> Expert Mode>> Password calculation>> All keys lost (Fast)

Check G-Box all keys lost instructions

Select On bench>> W207

Follow notes to connect G-box with IM608 and EIS

Remove the EIS from the vehicle. Correctly connect the EIS to the G Box

Connect G box with XP400 OBD connector

Connect G box with power adapter

Follow the on- screen instruction to connect device, OBD cable, OBD connector, APB102, EIS to complete password calculation


Step 2: Generate Key File

Confirm vehicle info>> enter 16-digit key password automatically>> select an unused key position>> key type


Step 3: Write Key

Insert a blank key to infrared key hole of XP400>> Write Key->IR->Write BE key file>> Select key file to write

benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 6 benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 7 benz w207 add key by xhorse autel launch 8


6.With Thinktool Master X and Launch X-prog 3


Launch X-431 GIII X-PROG 3

Price: €472 (October Mega Sale)

EU/UK Ship No Tax free shipping


Main steps:

Connect X-prog 3, Thinktool tablet, ESL, EIS/EZS, and SmartLink C (VCI) as required.

Step 1: Calculate Password

Step 2: Generate BE Key File

Step 3: Write BE Key File

Reference: Thinktool Master X and X-prog 3 Program Key for Benz W204 W207 Success


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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