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Autel IM508+ XP400 Pro Program BMW 730Li E66 2003 CAS2 All Smart Key Lost

已有 372 次阅读2022-10-16 20:59 分享到微信

Issue: BMW CAS2 all smart keys are lost, and the new smart key cannot start the car and do remote function.

Solution: program new remote key by Autel IM508+ XP400 Pro

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Connect XP400 Pro to MaxiIM IM508 and connect IM508 to the vehicle OBDII port

Insert the new remote and turn hazard light to protect car go to sleep mode

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Tap IMMO>> BMW>> Automatic selection>> press Read button to obtain VIN

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Confirm the vehicle info

It's 730LI E66 M54 2003 CAS2

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Check vehicle info.>> Control unit>> CAS2 IMMOBILIZER>> VEHICLE INFORMATION

The frequency: 315Mhz

Key code: HA00028050

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Back to IMMO status scan

SCAN IMMO status...

The quantity CAS keys: 3

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Check information: quantity key: 3 frequency: 315Mhz.

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Select All keys lost (guided)

Make sure the device connect to internet WiFi normally

Turn ignition on

No working keys, so cannot turn on


Press Start to perform All keys lost (guided) process

Connect Autel XP400 Pro and put the new key into coil hole

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Press OK

Generate key

After the new key is generated successfully, insert the key into vehicle slot to start the engine 1 time

The key can start the engine now

Press YES to confirm the key can start the engine

Re- immo status scan

Now the key quantity is 4.

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Finally, test the new remote, works fine.



Alright! That is the successful case about using Autel MaxiIM IM508 with XP400 Pro to add new smart remote on 2003 BMW 730Li E66 CAS2.


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