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Free Download HDS TIS ODIS Forscan PCMFLash Scanmaster Software for VNCI NANO

已有 2344 次阅读2022-10-16 20:50 分享到微信

There are a total of 6 software have been tested with VNCI NANO equipment to diagnose J1979 compatible vehicles with no issues. The software includes ODIS V9.0, TIS V17.00, HDS V3.102, FORSCAN V2.3.48, PCMFLASH V1.2.0 and SCANMASTER V2.1. All software requires to install the VNCI NANO driver to use. Free download the related software and driver (no password) offered by eobdtool.co.uk engineer.

vnci j2534 nano software download

1.      Free download VAG ODIS 9.10: https://mega.nz/file/aihm0AIT#_YgcOUa9QUxrg92PFo1rK0zU-Gx-Wy_7B2iCC49QiO4

Size: 16.32 GB

Language: English, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Spanish, French, Italian, Croatian, Danish, German, Swedish, Finnish, Slovenian, Czech, Russia, Greece, Chinese


2.      Free download Toyota 17.00.020/17.20.013: https://mega.nz/file/6ZABzbxS#PNHECjMr1S7mDMGWuOOK-6icrSV5cFsL2FbZONEg01c

Size: 588.9 MB

Language: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese


3.      Free download HDS HONDA 3.104.024 :


Size: 4.06 GB

Language: English, German, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese


4.      Free download JLR SDD 163 :


Size: 3.01 GB

Language: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean


5.      Free download Forscan 2.3.48:


Size: 31.7 MB

Language: English, Russian, Polish, Italian, German, Hungarian, Turkish, French, Latvian, Bosnian, Finnish, Romanian, Portuguese, Chinese, Czech, Lithuanian, Slovak, Ukrainian


6.      Free download ScanMaster-ELM V2.1:


Size: 16.3 MB

Language: English, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Serbian, Turkish, Danish, Croatian


7.      Free download PCMFlash 1.20 :


Size: 11.8 MB

Language: English, Russian


8.      Free download VNCI NANO Driver:


Size: 36.8 MB


Operating system recommended:

Win8, Win10, Win11 (32 and 64bit)  

DO NOT Use Win7. The reason is that the Win7 system is unstable. Some support installing VNCI NANO Driver manually, but some cannot install successfully.


How to install the software with VNCI J2534 Nano?

Each software needs to select VNCI NANO interface when using, among which the anti-theft function of HDS software needs to change the registry before it can be used. The Volkswagen ODIS software is difficult to install and needs to be solved by the customer. Do not change the installation path of all software during installation. By default, they are installed on the C drive.

For more detailed operation steps, refer to: VNCI J2534 Nano User Manual: Function+ Protocol/Hardware Configuration+ Compatible Software


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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