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Chevy Cruze 2011 Add Key/All Keys Lost by Autel KM100/IM608: Both OK

已有 330 次阅读2022-10-12 20:57 分享到微信

Autel KM100 and IM608 can add new key to 2011 Chevy Cruze no issues. Both of them perform the function by reading VIN number and Pincode, clearing DTC and learning key.


  1. Autel KM100 Add New Remote for Chevrolet Cruze LS 2011

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The new remote generated by XHORSE XNBU01EN VVDI GM Flip Key.

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Step 1: Read VIN number

Use the working key to turn ignition switch on

Plug Autel Maxi VCI 200 to OBDII port

Tap IMMO>> Chevrolet>> Automatic selection>> Read VIN number

The VIN read out and the vehicle is 2011 Chevy Cruze

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Step 2: Read pincode

Select key type: Blade Key

Select car IMMO information: Chip 46 frequency: 433MHZ

Tap Control Units>> Read Pincode Immobilizer (BCM Auto) >>Read pincode


Recommend to use USB cable connect to VCI and need good internet WiFi for this process

Turn ignition on

Wait 1-2 mins to read pincode

Read the pincode successfully, and the pincode is 2406

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Step 3: Clear DTC

Press ESC to previous menu


Close all doors and turn ignition on

Confirm to clear all DTCs

Then clear DTC successfully


Step 4: ADD Key

Tap Add Key

Close all doors and turn ignition on

Fill in and check the pincode

Wait 12 minutes to configure system

Turn off and remove key

Open and close driver door

Insert the new key (VVDI XN remote) to turn ignition on

Wait 5 seconds to configure system

Match the current key complete

Press YES to match more keys

Repeat the same steps to match key

Match the keys successfully

Finally, use each key to check engine start and test remote function

New keys matched work fine!


  1. Autel IM608 Program CHEVY CRUZE 2011 All Keys Lost

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  • Program key by Autel MaxiIM IM608

Connect IM608 to the vehicle

Tap Auto detection to obtain VIN

Detect the car is 2011 Chevy Cruze

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Select Blade Key>> 1.8L>> Hot function>> All key lost (guided)

If you don’t know the chip or key frequency, just select vehicle immo information to check easily.

Perform the all key lost procedure automatically

Step 1: Read PIN

Step 2: Clear DTC

Step 3: Key learning

Just read the notes on the screen and follow the instruction to complete the steps. The steps are the same as Autel MaxiIM KM100.

Read PIN succeeded

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Clear DTC succeeded

Key learning succeeded

The number of matched keys is 1.

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Test the key matched also works normally.

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