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What Language Does OBDSTAR MK70 Support? How to Change?

已有 505 次阅读2022-10-10 21:14 分享到微信

OBDSTAR MK70 can be used to program immobilizer, correct mileage, and make new keys for Honda, Suzuki, YAMAHA, BRP, DUCATI and more motorcycles. With the powerful help data files inside the device, it’s a good choice for locksmiths. So, does this multifunctional device support multi-language? If yes, how to change language?

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Actually, OBDSTAR MK70 Motorcycle key programmer is available with multi-languages:

English, Spanish, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Farsi (Persian), French, German, Polish, Italian, Indonesian, Hebrew, Vietnamese


The default language is English. If you want to change the language to you want, please provide your MK70 device SN and the language you need to our customer service to open the authorization.

After getting the authorization, you should complete the following steps on OBDSTAR MK70 device yourself.

1.      Register OBDSTAR MK70

Register the device before changing language.

Keep charging and connect to the network

Tap DP (DiagProgram)>> Personal Center>> Register>> Fill in the personal information (user name, password, email)

Register successfully

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2.      Change language

Step 1: Connect the internet to MK70

Step 2: Login with user name and password

Step 3: Click VCI to select the corresponding language to switch

Step 4: Click DP-- One-click Upgrade to upgrade the software

Step 5: After the upgrade, the functions of the device can be used normally

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More info of OBDSTAR MK70:



UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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