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How to Program a New Key to Honda Accord with Autel IM608 Pro?

已有 491 次阅读2022-10-7 21:45 分享到微信

Autel MaxiIM IM608 Pro not only can do all keys lost for Honda Accord 2020- no need XP400 Pro, but also can program new keys with original key via OBD easily and fast.


How to do:

1.Make sure the IM608 pro is connected with JVCI via bluetooth

Connect J2534 Maxiflash JVCI ECU reprogrammer to the vehicle’s OBDII port

Establish a Bluetooth connection to the JVCI on IM608 Pro tablet


2.Perform a scan to check for any issues before adding a key

It is good practice to do this step to ensure that there are no faults in the IMMO related systems that might prevent us from completing the tasks.

Tap IMMO>> Accept the disclaimer>> Honda>> Manual selection>> Accord>> Smart key>> Push to start

Confirm the vehicle profile

autel im608 pro add honda accord key 1


3.Detect fault codes

Tap ‘Immo status scan’ and run a scan to detect any fault codes for all modules related to the anti-theft system

Place a working key into the vehicle

Press Start button twice and make sure the ignition is turned on

The scan comes up normal


4.Add new key with the original key

Select ‘Add key (guided)’

autel im608 pro add honda accord key 2

Press ‘Start’ to perform the function automatically.

Step 1: Function initializing

Step 2: Immo system check

Step 3: Read key number

Step 4: Immo security verification

Step 5: Original key programming

autel im608 pro add honda accord key 3

Registration condition:

  • There are no DTCs.
  • There must be one registered keyless remote.
  • One keyless remote that is capable of starting the engine must be in the vehicle.
  • The ignition switch must be turned on (II) using the keyless remote. (The ignition key must be used)


When registering, be sure the following to reduce the noise as much as possible while registering the keyless remote. Turn off all electrical devices (e.g., navigation system and audio systems). Separate the diagnostic tool from the keyless remote as much as possible. Close all windows, sunroofs and doors.

Turn ignition switch off! Don’t press the foot brake and press the engine start/stop button

Take one original keyless access remote into the vehicle, and remove all other keyless access remotes from the vehicle

Don’t press the foot brake and press Start button twice to check if the ignition is turned on

Key programming is succeed, continue to learn next one

autel im608 pro add honda accord key 4

Take all original keyless access remotes out of the vehicle

Place the new key into the vehicle

Register the new key successfully

autel im608 pro add honda accord key 5

Follow the on- screen prompts on IM608 Pro tablet if you want to learn more keys or to finish the process with 1 key

Turn the ignition switch off and then turn on

Both the keyless access and immobilizer indicator lights are turned off

Then continue by the on-screen prompt

Check to see if the new key works by turning the engine on and locking and unlocking the doors


If adding the key failed, you can run a scan to see if the issue is related to the anti-theft system.

Once adding is successful, you can run a scan to check the vehicle has any issues, the scan also will confirm if the number of the keys is correct and if the ECU is paired correctly


Alright! That’s the simple process for learning new key on 2020- Honda Accord with Autel IM608 Pro and JVCI via OBD. It’s easy for shop owner to create a new vehicle keys even if all keys are lost.


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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