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09.2022 MB SD Connect C4 Software Xentry Das: 100% Works on Win10 Pro 64 bit

已有 411 次阅读2022-9-25 21:54 分享到微信

2022.09 MB SDconnect C4 software (XENTRY/DAS) is verified to work with the MD SD C4 Plus and Super MB Pro M6 series diagnostic tool without issues.


Mercedes-Benz software V09.2022:

Special function version

Support operating system: Win10 Pro x64

09.2020 mb sd c4 software xentry das update 1


Xentry DAS September 2022, long registration code, supports the detection of buses and trucks, supports the HHT software diagnosis of the old car 140 and other models

Maintenance Information WIS July 2021 Standalone Version

Accessory query EPC November 2018, open data card, you can query the price of accessories in USD and EUR

StarFinder version 2016 and version 2020 and version 2022

PL76 accessories price inquiry January 2022

SDmedia Offline January 2014

Engineer version Vediamo upgraded to 5.01.01

DisassembyAssistant disassembly assistant software

Selit Service Literature Version 1.4

Engineer Version DTS Version 8.16.15 and 8.14, the latest version 2019 data and 2021 data

Fix the bug that Mercedes-Benz DAS cannot directly call WIS

Join DAS car smart offline programming

Fix SMART 450, 451, 452, 454 no longer need TAN Caculator, all implemented offline


V2022.09 MB SD C4 software with 256GB SSD:



V2022.09 MB SD C4 software with 500GB HDD:




Don’t download anything to the software, don’t update anything of the software, otherwise the software will break down. (Especially browser such as Google Chrome)


Software languages: Chinese, English, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish & Turkish.

09.2020 mb sd c4 software xentry das update 2


Compatible devices:

Super MB Pro M6 series (SP369+SS221-A10B, SP369+SS221-10, SP369+SS221-A10B+SO489+SS175)

MB SD C4 series (SP100-B1+SS221-10, SP100-B1+SS221-A10B+SO489+SS175, SP100-B1+SS221-A10B)


V2022.09 software works with MB SD Connect Compact 4 for the latest Mercedes Benz cars and trucks. The new generation Star Diagnosis compact 4 is the latest Mercedes Benz diagnostic equipment on market for all MB vehicles, new and old.


So far, Mercedes bus diagnosis & programming can be done via DAS only, NOT Xentry.

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