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Yanhua ACDP with Module 28 Clone ZF-9HP Gearbox in Boot Mode Guide

已有 546 次阅读2022-9-21 20:49 分享到微信

Yanhua ACDP Module 28 is specially designed for Jaguar, Land Rover, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Honda, Jeep and other models of the ZF-9HP gearbox clone in BOOT mode. Compared to the traditional cable connection, it’s simpler, safer, more efficient and reliable.


Mini ACDP Module 28 highlights:

  • The interface board can be inserted blindly to align with the boot test point, no need magnifying glass for calibration or complex probe workbench operation.
  • BOOT test point with pin detection function, it’s safe and reliable to read and write data.
  • The special interface board replaces the cable, which is simple, efficient, safe and reliable.

Check the connection diagram comparison

acdp module 28 clone zf 9hp gearbox 1


ACDP Module 28 Configuration List (adapter+ function):

The package comes with ZF-9HP-BOOT Interface board, ZF-9HP –Port Interface board, 8P cable and Copper pillars.

Item NO. Adapters/Parts PicturesQuantity Adapters/Parts Functions


Interface board

acdp module 28 clone zf 9hp gearbox 21 PCApplicable to connect ZF-9HP gearbox boot points
2ZF-9HP –Port  Interface boardacdp module 28 clone zf 9hp gearbox 31 PCApplicable to connect ZF-9HP gearbox
38P cableacdp module 28 clone zf 9hp gearbox 41 PC

Applicable to connect ZF-9HP-BOOT

Interface board and

ZF-9HP –Port  Interface board

4Copper pillarsacdp module 28 clone zf 9hp gearbox 53 PCSApplicable to fix ZF-9HP gearbox
5Copper pillarsacdp module 28 clone zf 9hp gearbox 63 PCS

Applicable to fix ZF-9HP-BOOT

Interface board


How to clone ZF-9HP Gearbox by Mini ACDP Module 28?


Step 1: Prepare ACDP host, OBP+ ICP adapter, Module 28 interface board, ZF-9HP gearbox, and other accessories (8P cable+ Copper pillars) required for operation

Step 2: Confirm the location and definition of the test points for ZF-9HP gearbox computer

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Step 3: Install the copper pillars

Step 4: Install the ZF-9HP-BOOT interface board and lock it with copper pillars

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Step 5: Install the ZF-9HP-Port interface board to the gearbox interface

Step 6: Connect the ZF-9HP-BOOT interface board and the ZF-9HP-Port interface board with 8PIN cable

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Step 7: Short the CAN resistor on the OBP+ ICP adapter to the ‘CAN-R Join’

Step 8: Connect Mini ACDP, OBP+ ICP adapter and ZF-9HP gearbox computer with 20PIN cable

acdp module 28 clone zf 9hp gearbox 10


2.Operation on Mini ACDP APP

Tap Jaguar/LandRover>> Gearbox Clone>> ZF_9HP (BOOT)>> Identify>> Full Backup Data>> Full Write Data

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Besides, Yanhua ACDP with module 13/14/16/19/22/26 can correspondingly clone gearbox for VW/AUDI, MPS6, Mercedes-Benz, SH725XX, GM6T/6L, Ford DPS6.

Attach the related posts as below.

VW AUDI Gearbox Clone/ Mileage Correction by Yanhua ACDP No Soldering (ACDP module 13/19)

Yanhua Mini ACDP with Module 19 Clone SH725XX Gearbox No Soldering

GM 6T/6L Gearbox Clone by Yanhua ACDP with Module 22 No Soldering

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 26 Clone Ford DPS6 Gearbox Guide


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