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Easy Solution to Fix Fetrotech Tool Software Task Bar Disappearing Problem

已有 708 次阅读2022-9-19 20:46 分享到微信

Here eobdtool.co.uk shares a new solution to fix Fetrotech Tool software task bar disappearing problem (Task bar killed, tried admin, no antivirus. Task bar disappears after the splash screen!), no need to reinstall the operating system, simpler to resolve the error. The solution is offered by Marty, thanks to him!



Just do a CTRL+ALT+DEL and open the task manager, then look for any instances of “windows explorer” if there are more than 1 you will right click on each except one and END TASK, for the last remaining I click the restart button in the lower right. The task bar will appear. Now again I run Fetrotech software, if it does the same thing just repeat the process, mine usually opens on 2nd attempt. Give it a try.


Step-by-step guide:

Run Fetrotech as ADMIN (all antivirus and windows defender switched off)

fetrotech task bar disappear easy solution 1

If it does not open and task bar disappears then press CTRL-ALT-DELETE


Look in list for “windows explorer”

fetrotech task bar disappear easy solution 2

On each “windows explorer” process click once, then Click Restart button at bottom right

Search bar will reappear.

Now DOUBLE CLICK Fetrotech software icon on screen again

fetrotech task bar disappear easy solution 3

Wait a few moments…

Fetrotech will open. If not, just repeat the process.

fetrotech task bar disappear easy solution 4


Fetrotech tool trick:

Just operate it step by step as it is in the manual and it works! The most important thing was to download the license files directly to the folder AND NOT COPY. If fetrotech does not open, the taskbar disappears then uninstall everything via the control panel and start over with newly downloaded files. The license files remain the same.



Disable all windows defender and real protection and give your account full administrator rights to modernize files in the system partition. If you do that your Fetrotech software will work!


If not working, you need run the installer again via the task manager and run the uninstall process. Make sure windows defender and smart screen are completely disabled. Most people do not know how to disable completely – use Google. Now re-install via the task manager run menu. After installation, download the License key directly to the Fetrotech folder in program files x86 directory. Then download the Tool file directly to C: – on each file check properties and make sure file not blocked. Navigate to your License key file and right click OPEN WITH… and select the Fetrotech app…if task bar disappear do as above.



Besides the method offered above, you can resolve the Fetrotech Tool problem by reinstall computer system to Win11 as well.

Check: Fetrotech Tool Software Crashing Newest Solution: Reinstall Computer System to Win11


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