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How to Solve Fetrotech Tool Installation Package Problem on Windows 10?

已有 273 次阅读2022-8-31 20:46 分享到微信

When you install Fetrotech Tool software with the installation package on Win10, there may be an error ‘There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.’ If you have this problem, don’t worry! Follow this guide to solve it.

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Solution offered by eobdtool.co.uk engineer:

1.Just reply with PC details i.e. WIN10, administrator, anti-virus and real time off, Dot net framework 4.8 installed etc


Better don’t install software on Win10 Home edition, Win10 professional is recommended.


2.If still cannot solve the problem, try the solution below:

Open Task Manager>> File>> Run new task

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Click ‘Browse’ to find the "FetrotecToolSetup.msi" installation package, and then click ‘Open’

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Click ‘OK’ to start the installation of Fetrotech tool software

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When it prompts ‘the publisher coulf not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software’, Just click ‘Run’ to continue

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Then the problem can be fixed.


If you are the first time using Fetrotech Tool, please download, install and activate Fetrotech Tool software properly as below.



Operating system:


Win10 pro 64bit- has tested ok


1.Connect Fetrotech to computer using a USB cable, and connect to power adapter as well

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2.Log on to the website www.tuner-box.com and click the download button to download the Fetrotech software

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Download the software to your computer and unzip it

3.Click FetrotechToolSetup to install

Then click Next…Next… Next…until the process is completed

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The following dialog box appears, please fill in your information (full name, email, country and phone) as required to activate your device

Then click ‘Submit’

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Finally click ‘Close’ to complete the installation

4.Return to the desktop and click the fetrotech icon to run the software

When the following interface appears, hold Ctrl+V to copy your machine code,

Copy the machine code on the back of your device as follows and send them to info@tuner-box.com. The subject of the email is “request my fetrotech active”.

Machine code:               machine SN in device back side:

Machine SN:

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When you receive the mail you will get two files as shown in the image below

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Please save your key file, put Fetrotech into C disk

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Put Fetrotech tool ok3.5 into the Fetrotech tool installation directory” C:\Program Files (x86)\Fetrotech”

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Click Fetrotech tool ok 3.5 to set the open method to Fetrotech tool

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Then the setup is completed.

Return to the desktop and click Fetrotech tool to run the software

Now the software can be used normally


Other Fetrotech Tool software problems and solutions:

1.If the software crashes after opening, please click the Fetrotech installation package again, and click “Repair Fetrotech” to solve.

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2.If you cannot activate your device by following the steps above, please uninstall the software.

Re-operate according to the instructions, please keep the key from info@tuner-box.com for your convenience on this computer.


The Fetrotech Tool software installation guide and problem solution apply to both Fetrotech silver version and black standalone version.


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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