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Free Download ECU HELP 3.0 Software for PCMTuner/ECU Bench Tool/KT200/ KTM BENCH

热度 1已有 893 次阅读2022-8-28 21:01 分享到微信

ECU HELP 3.0 software provides ECU model query, wiring diagram search, virtual file download, DEMO download, free software library, ECU Powertrain adjustment service and ECU Flash tuning file uploading. It’s compatible with PCMTuner/ECU Bench Tool/KT200/KTM BENCH etc. ECU programmers. Here eobdtool.co.uk shares the related software link to download free, no need registration and activation. Use online directly after installation!


Free download ECUHELP 3.0 tuner software:

Resource 1:


File size: 72.47MB

No password

ecuhlep 3.0 software free download 1

Resource 2: on mega



With ECUHELP 3.0 software, you can do the functions below:

  1. Search ECU type by inputting ECU hardware number (Bosch number)

i.e. HW No: 0281011982

Input 0281011982 and click 'Get ECU Info', then the HW No, ECU type and picture all appear on the screen

ecuhlep 3.0 software free download 2

  1. Check ECU wiring connection/pinout

i.e search for med17.5 wiring

Input MED17.5 in WIRING PICTURE and select the corresponding ECU you want, click ‘Show’ to check

ecuhlep 3.0 software free download 3

ecuhlep 3.0 software free download 4

  1. Free download vr files

The vr files is in bin format, can be used for ECU bench tool, pcmtuner, pcmflash, KT200 etc

  1. ECU help also provides some 3rd software download free


ADS-DPF EGR Lambda Remover

DaVinci V14 V15 EGR DPF OFF

DTC Remover

EasyKill v2.0

ecu safe solution 2 versions


Hard Cut

Immo Universal 3.2

Immo Universal Decoding 3.2

ImmoOff17 v2.1162


pcmflash 1.2.0

Scanmatik 2.21.2 setup

ecuhlep 3.0 software free download 5

  1. ECU remap file

This is paid service. Users can upload ecu flash calibration file (need to input car model, year and ecu type etc information) to do ecu remap after payment.

ecuhlep 3.0 software free download 6

  1. ECU Service

DTC delete, dpf/egr remove, immo off

This is also paid service. Users can upload ecu flash calibration file (need to input car model, year, ecu type etc information) to do ecu tuning after payment.

ecuhlep 3.0 software free download 7


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







发表评论 评论 (1 个评论)

回复 bekean 2024-7-31 22:08
Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the installation steps. After installation, you can use the software for various purposes like ECU model query, wiring diagram https://wordle2.io search, virtual file download, DEMO download, accessing the free software library, and more.


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